deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.owscommon_1_1_0

This package is able to read and write xml encoded documents which validate against the ows common 1.1.0 schema package.


Class Summary
BasicIdentification BasicIdentification is a bean representation of a basicIdentification type, which can be used for identifying and describing a set of data.
CommonsDocument CommonsDocument supplies helper methods for all common ows (version 1.1.0) xml elements.
ContactInfo ContactInfo wraps all ows 1.1.0 contact info in a bean.
DescriptionBase IdentificationBase super class of all description elements.
DomainType DomainType encapsulation of the domaintype parameters, used in a operationmetadata of ows 1.1.0
Keywords Keywords encapsulates the keywords element from ows 1.1.0.
Manifest Manifest is a bean representation of a Manifest type defined in ows 1.1.0.
ManifestDocument ManifestDocument supplies methods for the parsing of a manifest type in ows 1.1.0.
Metadata The Metadata class encapsulates the about, href attributes and the underlying 'profile specific' ows:AbstractMetaData elements as a List of Elements.
Operation Operation encapsulation of the operationMetadat/operation of ows 1.0.0.
OperationsMetadata OperationsMetadata encapsulates the ows 1.1.0 operations metadata section of a capabilities document.
OWSCommonCapabilities OWSCommonCapabilities encapsulates the serviceIdentification, serviceProvider and the operationsMetadata representations of the ows common version 1.1.0.
OWSCommonCapabilitiesDocument OWSCapabilitesDocument parses the ows_1_1_0 Capabilities profile.
Range Range encapsulation of an ows 1.1.0 Range, which can hold a max, min, opening and closure (e.g '(' or '[' ) value.
Reference Reference encapsulates the reference element of ows 1.1.0
ReferenceGroup ReferenceGroup is an encapsulation of the ReferenceGroup dom-xml element of ows 1.1.0
ServiceContact ServiceContact wraps the service contact information of ows 1.1.0.
ServiceIdentification ServiceIdentification the service identification of owscommon 1.1.0
ServiceProvider ServiceProvider encapsulates the owscommon 1.1.0 ServiceProvider.
XMLFactory The XMLFactory is a convenience class, which exports ows-common 1.1.0 beans to their xml representation.

Package org.deegree.owscommon_1_1_0 Description

This package is able to read and write xml encoded documents which validate against the ows common 1.1.0 schema package.

It supplies all necessary methods and classes to parse owscommon 1.1.0 xml-files as well as methods to create xml representations from encapsulating java-beans.

Rutger Bezema, last edited by: $Author: rbezema $ @version $Revision: 10830 $, $Date: 2007-03-20 10:15:15 +0100 (Di, 20 Mrz 2007)$

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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