deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.portal.context

Interface Summary
Frontend this interface the description the access to the front end elements of a GUI setting up on a web map context. this is a deegree specific form of description. beside the name of the central controlling element an implementing class enables access to fife areas the GUI is splitted in.
MapModelAccess This interface defines access to the model (
MapModelVisitor TODO add class documentation here

Class Summary
AbstractFrontend this class encapsulates the description of the front end of a GUI setting up on a web map context. this is a deegree specific form of description. beside some
AbstractModule describes the common access to modules embedded into the GUI described by general extension section of a web map context document within the deegree framework.
AuthentificationSettings This exception shall be thrown when a session(ID) will be used that has been expired.
ContextTransformer Singleton class capsulating a javax.xml.transform.Transformer.
DataService describes the service lying behind a WMS layer.
DirectoryAccess Implements the description of the access to directories used by a deegree web map context
Format encapsulates the format description as described by the OGC Web Map Context specification
FormatList encapsulates a FormatList as defined by the OGC Web Map Context specification
General The class encapsulates the general informations common to all types of contexts
GeneralExtension this class encapsulates the deegree specific extensions of the general section of a web map context document. this is a description of the GUI including the used modules (Frontend) and the parameters to control the map view ( Marshallable).
GUIArea this interface describes the content of an area of a GUI. a GUI area contains zero ... n modules described by the Module interface.
IOSettings Implements the access to the IO settings of a Web Map Context.
JSPFrontend this class encapsulates the description of the front end of a GUI setting up on a web map context. this is a deegree specific form of description. beside the general elements inherited from AbstractFrontend three additional elements are offered: commonJS: a list of javascript files containing objects and methods to be used by more than one module of the GUI buttons: a javascript file containing a associative array (Map) for the used buttons style: css-style file
Layer encapsulates about a layer described/contained by a Web Map Context
LayerExtension provides additional information about a layer described in a web map context document.
LayerGroup TODO add class documentation here
MapModel TODO add class documentation here
MapModelDocument TODO add class documentation here
MapModelEntry TODO add class documentation here
MapParameter encapsulates the part of the general web map context extension parameters that targets the map operation and feature info format options.
Messages Messages loads messages for the contex.
MMLayer TODO add class documentation here
Module this class encapsulates the basic informations of a module that is part of an area of the GUI.
ModuleConfiguration provides the connection point where to access the configuration of a module
Node encapsulates about a node described/contained by a Web Map Context
Server encapsulates the server description as defined in the OGC Web Map Context specification 1.0.0
SLD This class encapsulates the descriptions of a SLD element as defined by the OGC Web Map Context specification.
Style this class encapsulates the style description as defined by the OGC Web Map Context specification
StyleList encapsulates a StyleList as defined by the OGC Web Map Context specification
ViewContext is the root class of the Web Map Context
ViewContextCollection This class encapsulates a collection of references to Web Map Context documents as defined by the OGC Web Map Context specification
ViewContextReference This class encapsulates a reference to a Web Map Context document as defined int the OGC Web Map Context specification
WebMapContextFactory Factory class for creating an instance of a web map Context (ViewContext).
WMCMetadataSurrogate Helper class to collect metadata about a WMC.
XMLFactory This is a factory class to export a ViewContext and a ViewContextCollection as an xml org.w3c.dom.Document.

Exception Summary
ContextException ContextException an exception.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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