deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)


Class Summary
AddServiceListener AddServiceListener
ClientHelper Helper class that performs common security access tasks and checks used in the Listener classes.
EditServiceListener EditServiceListener
EditSubadminRoleListener This Listener reacts on 'EditSubadminRole'-events, extracts the submitted role-id and passes the role + known datasets on to the JSP.
GetSessionIDListener Listener to retrieve the (deegree managed) sessionID of a user.
GetUserInfoListener TODO add class documentation here
GetUsersListener This Listener reacts on RPC-GetUsers events, extracts the submitted letters and passes the users that begin with one of the letters on to the JSP.
InitGroupEditorListener This Listener reacts on 'initGroupAdministration' events, queries the SecurityManager and passes the group data on to be displayed by the JSP.
InitRightsEditorListener This Listener reacts on RPC-EditRole events, extracts the submitted role-id and passes the role + known securable objects on the JSP.
InitRoleEditorListener This Listener reacts on 'initRoleGroupEditor' events and passes the roles to be displayed on the JSP.
InitSecuredObjectsEditorListener This Listener reacts on 'initSecuredObjectEditor' events and passes the SecuredObjects (Layers / FeatureTypes) to be displayed on the JSP.
InitServiceEditorListener This Listener reacts on 'initServiceAdministration'-events, queries the WCAS and passes the service data on to be displayed by the JSP.
InitServiceRightsEditorListener This Listener reacts on RPC-EditRole events, extracts the submitted role-id and passes the role + known securable objects on the JSP.
InitServicesEditorListener InitServicesEditorListener
InitSubadminRoleEditorListener This Listener reacts on 'initSubadminRoleAdministration' events, queries the SecurityManager and passes the subadmin- roles on to be displayed by the JSP.
InitUserEditorListener This Listener reacts on 'initUserEditor' events, queries the SecurityManager and passes the group data on to be displayed by the JSP.
LoginListener Listener class for handling login to iGeoPortal standard edition
LoginUserListener This Listener reacts on RPC-LoginUser events, extracts the submitted username + password and tries to authenticate the user against the rights management subsystem.
LogoutListener Listener class for handling logout from iGeoPortal standard edition
LogoutUserListener This Listener reacts on RPC-LogoutUser events.
ReallyUpdateServiceListener ReallyUpdateServiceListener
RelativePath TODO add documentation here
RemoveServiceListener RemoveServiceListener
SecuredObjectRight Container that encapsulates information about a certain Right on a certain SecuredObject.
SecurityHelper Helper class that performs common security access tasks and checks used in the Listener classes.
StartContext TODO add documentation here
StoreGroupsListener This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreGroups events, extracts the contained user/group relations and updates the SecurityManager accordingly.
StoreRightsListener This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreRights events.
StoreRolesListener This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreRoles events, extracts the submitted role/group relations and updates the SecurityAccessManager accordingly.
StoreSecuredObjectsListener This Listener reacts on 'storeSecuredObjects' events, extracts the contained Layer/FeatureType definitions and updates the SecurityManager accordingly.
StoreServicesRightsListener This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreRights events.
StoreUsersListener This Listener reacts on 'storeUsers' events, extracts the contained user definitions and updates the SecurityManager accordingly.
UpdateObjectsListener ReallyUpdateServiceListener
UpdateServiceListener UpdateServiceListener

Exception Summary
ClientConfigurationException TODO add documentation here
LoginFailureException This exception shall be thrown when a session(ID) will be used that has been expired.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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