deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use UnauthorizedException

Uses of UnauthorizedException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.iso_profile.ebrim

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.iso_profile.ebrim that throw UnauthorizedException
 void OWSProxyHandler.doRequestValidation(ServletRequestWrapper request, User user, OGCWebServiceRequest owsRequest)
          Validates if a given user may send the given request
 void OWSProxyHandler.doResponseValidation(ServletResponseWrapper response, User user, OGCWebServiceRequest owsRequest)

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
 SecurityAccess SecurityAccessManager.acquireAccess(User user)
          Tries to acquire a SecurityAccess -instance.
 SecurityTransaction SecurityAccessManager.acquireTransaction(User user)
          Tries to acquire the SecurityTransaction for the given User.
 void SecurityTransaction.addRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, Right[] additionalRights)
          Adds the specified Rights on the passed object to the passed role.
 void SecurityTransaction.addRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, RightType[] types)
          Adds the specified Rights on the passed object to the passed role.
protected  void SecurityAccess.checkForRight(RightType right, SecurableObject object)
          Checks if the associated User has a certain Right on the given SecurableObject.
 void SecurityTransaction.deregisterGroup(Group group)
          Removes a Group from the Registry.
 void SecurityTransaction.deregisterRole(Role role)
          Removes a Role from the Registry.
 void SecurityTransaction.deregisterSecuredObject(SecuredObject object)
          Removes a SecuredObject from the Registry.
 void SecurityTransaction.deregisterUser(User user)
          Removes a User from the Registry.
 void SecurityTransaction.removeRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, RightType[] types)
          Removes all rights of the specified types that the role may have on the given SecurableObject.
 void SecurityTransaction.setGroupsForGroup(Group group, Group[] newGroups)
          Sets the Group s that a given Group is a DIRECT member of.
 void SecurityTransaction.setGroupsForUser(User user, Group[] newGroups)
          Sets the Groups that a given User is a DIRECT member of.
 void SecurityTransaction.setGroupsInGroup(Group group, Group[] groups)
          Sets the members (groups) for a group.
 void SecurityTransaction.setGroupsWithRole(Role role, Group[] groups)
          Sets the groups to be associated with the given role.
 void SecurityTransaction.setRights(SecurableObject[] objects, Role role, Right right)
          Sets one certain right that a certain role has on the given objects.
 void SecurityTransaction.setRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, Right[] rights)
          Sets the Rights that a certain role has on a given object.
 void SecurityTransaction.setUsersInGroup(Group group, User[] users)
          Sets the members (users) in a group.
 void SecurityTransaction.setUsersWithRole(Role role, User[] users)
          Sets the users to be associated with the given role (DIRECTLY, i.e. not via group memberships).

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
 byte[] OWSProxyPolicyFilter.validate(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] data, java.lang.String mime, User user)
          validates the response (data) to a request
 void OWSProxyPolicyFilter.validate(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validate the passed OGCWebServiceRequest againsted the Policy encapsulated by the OWSProxyPolicyFilter
 void OWSProxyPolicyFilter.validateGeneralConditions(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, int length, User user)
          validate the passed OGCWebServiceRequest againsted the Policy encapsulated by the OWSProxyPolicyFilter

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
protected  void RequestValidator.handleUserCoupledRules(User user, Feature feature, java.lang.String secObjName, java.lang.String secObjType, RightType rightType)
          handles the validation of user coupled parameters of a request
 void GeneralPolicyValidator.validateHeader(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> headerFields, User user)
abstract  void OWSValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates if the passed request itself and its content is valid against the conditions defined in the policies assigned to a OWSPolicyValidator
abstract  void RequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates if the passed request itself and its content is valid against the conditions defined in the policies assigned to a OWSPolicyValidator
abstract  byte[] OWSValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)
 byte[] GetCapabilitiesResponseValidator.validateResponse(java.lang.String service, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.
abstract  byte[] ResponseValidator.validateResponse(java.lang.String service, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)
          validates if the passed response itself and its content is valid against the conditions defined in the policies assigned to a OWSPolicyValidator

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
 void DescribeRecordRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetRecordsRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetRecordByIdRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void TransactionValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void CSWValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetRepositoryItemRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 byte[] CSWValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)
 byte[] GetRecordByIdResponseValidator.validateResponse(java.lang.String service, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
 void TransactionValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetFeatureRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates if the passed request is valid against the policy assigned to the validator.
 void DescribeFeatureTypeRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void WFSValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the passed OGCWebServiceRequest if it is valid against the defined conditions for WFS requests
 byte[] WFSValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
 void GetMapRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incoming GetMap request against the policy assigned to a validator
 void WMSValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the passed OGCWebServiceRequest if it is valid against the defined conditions for WMS requests
 void GetLegendGraphicRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incomming GetLegendGraphic request against the policy assigend to a validator
 void GetFeatureInfoRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incoming GetFeatureInfo request against the policy assigned to a validator
 byte[] WMSValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, java.lang.String mime, User user)

Uses of UnauthorizedException in

Methods in that throw UnauthorizedException
(package private)  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Group> ActiveDirectoryImporter.synchronizeGroups()
          Synchronizes the AD's group objects with the SecurityManager's group objects.
(package private)  void LDAPImporter.synchronizeUsers()
          Synchronizes the LDAP's user objects with the SecurityManager's user objects.
(package private)  void ActiveDirectoryImporter.synchronizeUsers(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Group> groups)
          Synchronizes the AD's user objects with the SecurityManager's user objects.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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