deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Privilege   

Uses of Privilege in

Methods in that return Privilege
 Privilege SecurityRegistry.getPrivilegeByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Privilege from the Registry.
 Privilege SQLRegistry.getPrivilegeByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Privilege from the Registry.
 Privilege SecurityAccess.getPrivilegeByName(java.lang.String name)
 Privilege[] SecurityRegistry.getPrivilegesForRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Privileges s from the Registry that are associated with a given Role.
 Privilege[] SQLRegistry.getPrivilegesForRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Privileges s from the Registry that are associated DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group memberships) with a given Role.
 Privilege SecurityRegistry.registerPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction, java.lang.String name)
          Adds a new Privilege to the Registry.
 Privilege SQLRegistry.registerPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction, java.lang.String name)
          Adds a new Privilege to the Registry.

Methods in with parameters of type Privilege
protected  void SecurityAccess.checkForPrivilege(Privilege privilege)
          Checks if the associated User has a certain Privilege.
 void SecurityRegistry.deregisterPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction, Privilege privilege)
          Removes an existing Privilege from the Registry (including its relations).
 void SQLRegistry.deregisterPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction, Privilege privilege)
          Removes an existing Privilege from the Registry (including its relations).
 void SecurityTransaction.setPrivilegesForRole(Role role, Privilege[] privileges)
          Sets the privileges for a certain role.
 void SecurityRegistry.setPrivilegesForRole(SecurityTransaction transaction, Role role, Privilege[] privileges)
          Sets all Privilege s that are associated with a given Role.
 void SQLRegistry.setPrivilegesForRole(SecurityTransaction transaction, Role role, Privilege[] privileges)
          Sets all Privilege s that are associated with a given Role.

Uses of Privilege in

Fields in declared as Privilege
static Privilege Privilege.ADDGROUP
static Privilege Privilege.ADDOBJECT
static Privilege Privilege.ADDROLE
static Privilege Privilege.ADDUSER
static Privilege Privilege.WRITE

Methods in that return Privilege
 Privilege[] Role.getPrivileges(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Privilege s that this role has.
 Privilege[] User.getPrivileges(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Privileges that the User has (directly and via group memberships).
 Privilege[] Group.getPrivileges(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Privileges that the Group has.

Methods in with parameters of type Privilege
 boolean Role.hasPrivilege(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Privilege privilege)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain Privilege.
 boolean User.hasPrivilege(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Privilege privilege)
          Returns whether the User has a certain Privilege (either directly or via group memberships).

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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