deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use SessionStatusException

Uses of SessionStatusException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wass.common

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wass.common that throw SessionStatusException
 void CloseSessionHandler.handleRequest(CloseSession request)
          Closes the session encapsulated in the request.
 java.lang.String GetSessionDispatcher.handleRequest(GetSession request)
          Returns a new session ID.
 java.lang.String GetSessionAnonymousHandler.handleRequest(GetSession request)
 java.lang.String GetSessionWASHandler.handleRequest(GetSession request)
          Handles only requests with password authentication method.
 java.lang.String GetSessionHandler.handleRequest(GetSession request)
          Returns a new session ID.
 java.lang.String GetSessionPasswordHandler.handleRequest(GetSession request)
          Handles only requests with password authentication method.

Uses of SessionStatusException in

Subclasses of SessionStatusException in
 class SessionExpiredException
          This exception shall be thrown when a session(ID) will be used that has been expired.

Methods in that throw SessionStatusException
 void Session.addAttribute(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          adds an attribute to the session. calling this method will reset the expiration date of the encapsulated sessionID
this method throws an exception if the sessinID has been killed or is alive anymore
 void MemoryBasedSessionManager.addSession(Session session)
          adds a session to the session managment. the session will be stored within two lists. one addresses the session with its ID the other with its user name.
 void SessionManager.addSession(Session session)
          adds a session to the session managment. the session will be stored within two lists. one addresses the session with its ID the other with its user name.
 java.lang.Object Session.getAttribute(java.lang.Object key)
          returns the values of the attribute identified by the passed key. calling this method will reset the expiration date of the encapsulated sessionID
this method throws an exception if the sessinID has been killed or is alive anymore
 java.lang.String SessionID.getId()
          this method throws an exception if the sessinID has been killed or is alive anymore
 Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.getSessionByID(java.lang.String id)
          returns the session identified by its ID.
 Session SessionManager.getSessionByID(java.lang.String id)
          returns the session identified by its ID.
 Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.getSessionByUser(java.lang.String user)
          returns the session assigned to the passed user.
 Session SessionManager.getSessionByUser(java.lang.String user)
          returns the session assigned to the passed user.
 java.lang.Object Session.removeAttribute(java.lang.Object key)
          removes the attribute identified by the passed key from the session. calling this method will reset the expiration date of the encapsulated sessionID
this method throws an exception if the sessinID has been killed or is alive anymore
 void SessionID.reset()
          resets the expiration date to the current timestamp plus duration passed to the constructor when creating the SessionID this method throws an exception if the sessinID has been killed or is alive anymore
 void Session.reset()
          resets the expiration date of the session

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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