deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

Package org.deegree.commons.utils

Interface Summary
CloseableIterator<T> An Iterator that can (and must) be closed after it's not needed anymore.
CollectionUtils.Mapper<T,U> Mapper gives a name to a simple function.
CollectionUtils.Reducer<T> Reducer
HttpUtils.Worker<T> Worker is used to specify how to return the stream from the remote location.

Class Summary
ArrayUtils This is a collection of some methods that work with arrays and lists, like join or removeAll.
ByteUtils ByteUtils
CollectionUtils CollectionUtils
DeegreeAALogoUtils Provides utility methods for outputting/logging the deegree 3 ascii art logo.
DoublePair DoublePair
EncodingGuesser EncodingGuesser
FileUtils This class contains static utility methods for handling files and filenames.
GeometryUtils GeometryUtils
GraphvizDot The GraphvizDot class provides a few methods to create a graphviz 'dot' file.
HttpUtils HttpUtils Example use from rhino: var u = org.deegree.commons.utils.HttpUtils u.retrieve(u.UTF8STRING, "
JavaUtils JavaUtils
JDBCUtils This class contains static utility methods for working with JDBC.
JOGLUtils JOGL-related utility methods.
LogUtils This class contains static utility methods for writing files when a log is set to debug.
MapUtils MapUtils Note: methods currently more or less copied from deegree 2.
Pair<T,U> Pair is a convenience class, which pairs two objects.
ProxyUtils Utility class for accessing and modifying the VM's proxy configuration and for opening URL connections that respect proxy configurations which require authentication.
StringPair StringPair is a convenience class, which pairs two Strings.
StringUtils This is a collection of some methods that work with strings, like split or replace.
SunInfo The SunInfo supplies methods for the calculation of the sun position at a given time and latitude.
TempFileManager Manages temporary file system resources for deegree.
Triple<T,U,V> Triple

deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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