deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official


The components package holds the shared components used by coordinatesystems, projections and transformations.


Class Summary
Axis The Axis class describe the orientation, unit and the name of a crs-axis.
Datum The Datum is a generic type for all datums.
Ellipsoid The Ellipsoid class hold all parameters which are necessary to define an Ellipsoid.
GeodeticDatum A GeodeticDatum (aka.
PrimeMeridian The PrimeMeridian class saves the longitude to the greenwich meridian.
Unit The Unit class defines a mechanism to convert between different measurements units, such as british_yard and meter.
VerticalDatum A VerticalDatum is a datum which only has one axis.

Package Description

The components package holds the shared components used by coordinatesystems, projections and transformations.

$Revision: 11404 $, $Date: 2007-03-20 10:15:15 +0100 (Di, 20 Mrz 2007)$
Rutger Bezema, last edited by: $Author: rbezema $

deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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