deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

Uses of Class

Packages that use GeometryInspectionException

Uses of GeometryInspectionException in org.deegree.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.geometry that throw GeometryInspectionException
 CurveSegment GeometryInspector.inspect(CurveSegment segment)
          Invokes the inspection of the given CurveSegment.
 Geometry GeometryInspector.inspect(Geometry geom)
          Invokes the inspection of the given Geometry.
 SurfacePatch GeometryInspector.inspect(SurfacePatch patch)
          Invokes the inspection of the given SurfacePatch.

deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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