deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

Package org.deegree.record.persistence

Interface Summary
Profile_DB_Mappings Defines the mapping from profile specific properties to databasetables.
RecordStore Base interface of the RecordStore persistence layer, provides access to stored RecordStore instances and their schemas.

Class Summary
MappingInfo Defines the mapping information from a profile specific propertyname to the database table.
RecordStoreManager Entry point for creating RecordStore instances from XML elements (JAXB objects) and for retrieving global RecordStore instances by id.
RecordStoreOptions This class holds all the necessary information that is needed for the database request.

Enum Summary
MappingInfo.ColumnType Specifies the datatype for a property in the backend.

Exception Summary
RecordStoreException Indicates an exception that occured in the record persistence layer.

deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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