deegree-services-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:04) - official
Interface ExceptionSerializer<T extends ControllerException>

Type Parameters:
T - the exception which will be serialized, a subtype of ControllerException
All Known Implementing Classes:
NamespacelessOWSExceptionXMLAdapter, OGCExceptionXMLAdapter, OWSException100XMLAdapter, OWSException110XMLAdapter, ServiceException120XMLAdapter, SOAPExceptionSerializer, XMLExceptionSerializer

public interface ExceptionSerializer<T extends ControllerException>

The ExceptionSerializer class TODO add class documentation here.

$Revision: 18171 $, $Date: 2009-06-17 16:00:07 +0200 (Mi, 17 Jun 2009) $
Rutger Bezema, last edited by: $Author: mschneider $

Method Summary
 void serializeException(OutputStream outputStream, T exception, String requestedEncoding)
          An implementation of this method shall format the given exception and write it to the stream.

Method Detail


void serializeException(OutputStream outputStream,
                        T exception,
                        String requestedEncoding)
                        throws IOException
An implementation of this method shall format the given exception and write it to the stream.

outputStream - to write the implementation specific format to.
exception - to write, must be a subtype of ControllerException
requestedEncoding - of the stream
IOException - if an error occurred while writing to the stream.

deegree-services-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:04) - official

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