deegree-services-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:04) - official


Interface Summary
BoundingBoxInput A Process input parameter with a bounding box value.
ComplexInput A complex data structure ProcessletInput parameter, i.e. an object encoded in XML or a raw binary stream.
LiteralInput A literal data ProcessletInput parameter of a simple quantity (e.g., one number) with optional UOM (unit-of-measure) information.
ProcessletInput An input parameter of a Processlet execution.

Class Summary
BoundingBoxInputImpl A Process input parameter with a bounding box value.
ComplexInputImpl A complex data structure ProcessletInput parameter, e.g. an object encoded in GML or a raw binary stream.
EmbeddedComplexInput A ComplexInputImpl with a value that is given inline in the execute request document.
InputReference Reference to an input value that is provided by a web-accessible resource.
LiteralInputImpl A literal data ProcessletInput parameter of a simple quantity (e.g., one number) with optional UOM (unit-of-measure) information.
ProcessletInputImpl An input parameter of a Processlet execution.
ReferencedComplexInput A ComplexInputImpl with a value that is given as a reference to a web-accessible resource.

deegree-services-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:04) - official

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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