deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use IncorrectFormatException
org.deegree.enterprise.servlet NEW Package.   

Uses of IncorrectFormatException in org.deegree.enterprise.servlet

Methods in org.deegree.enterprise.servlet that throw IncorrectFormatException
protected  BufferedImage ChartServlet.buildChart(String chart, String title, String legend, String width, String height, String xAxis, String yAxis, String tooltips, String orientation, String lblType, String imagetype, Map<String,String> params, ChartConfig chartConfigs)
          Takes in all the needed parameters and a queued map containing the values of the chart and returns a BufferedImage with the chart
protected  QueuedMap<String,String> ChartServlet.initAndValidateParams(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Init and validate params does what its name say.
protected  QueuedMap<String,String> ChartServlet.InitNValidateParams(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Deprecated. due to a typo this method is deprecated. Use ChartServlet.initAndValidateParams(HttpServletRequest) instead.

Uses of IncorrectFormatException in

Methods in that throw IncorrectFormatException
protected ChartsBuilder.convertMapToCategoryDataSet(QueuedMap<String,String> keyedValues)
          It takes in a map a QueuedMap and converts it to a XYDataSet.
protected ChartsBuilder.convertMapToXYSeriesDataSet(QueuedMap<String,String> keyedValues)
          It takes in a map a QueuedMap and converts it to a XYDataSet.The two tokens of each tupel have to be numbers Format: key = x1,y1;x2,y2;x3,y3; Example row1 = 2,3;4,10;
 BufferedImage ChartsBuilder.createBarChart(String title, QueuedMap<String,String> keyedValues, int width, int height, boolean is3D, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, int orientation, String imageType, String horizontalAxisName, String verticalAxisName, ChartConfig chartConfigs)
          Creates a Bar chart
 BufferedImage ChartsBuilder.createLineChart(String title, QueuedMap<String,String> keyedValues, int width, int height, boolean is3D, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, int orientation, String imageType, String horizontalAxisName, String verticalAxisName, ChartConfig chartConfigs)
          Creates a Line chart
 BufferedImage ChartsBuilder.createXYLineChart(String title, QueuedMap<String,String> keyedValues, int width, int height, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, int orientation, String imageType, String horizontalAxisName, String verticalAxisName, ChartConfig chartConfigs)
          Creates an XY Line chart

Constructors in that throw IncorrectFormatException
ValueFormatsParser(String value)

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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