deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Marshallable   

Uses of Marshallable in

Classes in that implement Marshallable
 class AbstractLayer
 class AbstractStyle
 class CssParameter
          The simple SVG/CSS2 styling parameters are given with the CssParameter element, which is defined as follows: <xs:element name="CssParameter" type="sld:ParameterValueType"/> <xs:complexType name="ParameterValueType" mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element ref="wfs:expression"/> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> The parameter values are allowed to be complex expressions for maximum flexibility.
 class Extent
 class ExternalGraphic
          The ExternalGraphic element allows a reference to be made to an external graphic file with a Web URL.
 class FeatureTypeConstraint
          A FeatureTypeConstraint element is used to identify a feature type by well-known name, using the FeatureTypeName element.
 class FeatureTypeStyle
          The FeatureTypeStyle defines the styling that is to be applied to a single feature type of a layer).
 class Fill
          A Fill allows area geometries to be filled.
 class Font
          The Font element identifies a font of a certain family, style, weight, size and color.
 class Geometry
          The Geometry element is optional and if it is absent then the default geometry property of the feature type that is used in the containing FeatureStyleType is used.
 class Graphic
          A Graphic is a "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color, and size.
 class GraphicFill
          The GraphicFill element both indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic.
 class Halo
          Incarnation of a sld:Halo-element.
 class LabelPlacement
          Used to position a label relative to a point or a line string.
 class LayerFeatureConstraints
          The LayerFeatureConstraints element is optional in a NamedLayer and allows the user to specify constraints on what features of what feature types are to be selected by the named-layer reference.
 class LegendGraphic
          The LegendGraphic element gives an optional explicit Graphic symbol to be displayed in a legend for this rule.
 class LinePlacement
          Incarnation of an sld:LinePlacement-element.
 class LineSymbolizer
          Used to render a "stroke" along a linear geometry.
 class Mark
          A Mark takes a "shape" and applies coloring to it.
 class NamedLayer
          A NamedLayer uses the "name" attribute to identify a layer known to the WMS and can contain zero or more styles, either NamedStyles or UserStyles.
 class NamedStyle
          A NamedStyle uses the "name" attribute to identify a style known to the WMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 class ParameterValueType
 class PointPlacement
          Incarnation of a sld:PointPlacement-element.
 class PointSymbolizer
          Used to render a "graphic" at a point.
 class PolygonSymbolizer
          Used to render an interior "fill" and an outlining "stroke" for a polygon or other 2D-area geometry.
 class RasterSymbolizer
          RasterSymbolizer encapsulates the Symbology Encoding values that may have been set.
 class RemoteOWS
          Since a layer is defined as a collection of potentially mixed-type features, the UserLayer element must provide the means to identify the features to be used.
 class Rule
          A rule is used to attach a condition to and group the individual symbolizers used for rendering.
 class Stroke
          A Stroke allows a string of line segments (or any linear geometry) to be rendered.
 class StyledLayerDescriptor
          StyledLayerDescriptor: This is a sequence of styled layers, represented at the first level by Layer and UserLayer elements.
 class TextSymbolizer
          Used to render a text label, according to the parameters.
 class UserLayer
          In addition to using named layers, it is also useful to be able to define custom user-defined layers for rendering.
 class UserStyle
          A user-defined allows map styling to be defined externally from a system and to be passed around in an interoperable format.

Uses of Marshallable in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities

Classes in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities that implement Marshallable
 class OGCWebServiceCapabilities
          The purpose of the GetCapabilities operation is described in the Basic CapabilitiesService Elements section, above.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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