deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DisplayElement   

Uses of DisplayElement in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DisplayElement
 java.util.List<DisplayElement> Theme.getDisplayElements()
          Returns all DisplayElements that this Theme contains.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type DisplayElement
 void Theme.setDisplayElements(java.util.List<DisplayElement> de)
          returns the DisplayElements of the Theme

Uses of DisplayElement in

Classes in that implement DisplayElement
(package private)  class AbstractDisplayElement
          Base class for all display elements.
(package private)  class GeometryDisplayElement
          Basic interface of all display elements that are related to a geometry (this is the common case).
 class LabelDisplayElement
          DisplayElement that encapsulates a GM_Object (geometry), a ParameterValueType (caption) and a TextSymbolizer (style).
(package private)  class LineStringDisplayElement
          DisplayElement that encapsulates a linestring or multi-linestring geometry and a LineSymbolizer.
(package private)  class LocalizedDisplayElement
          Basic interface for DisplayElements that are not Geometries but shall be rendered to one or more locations.
(package private)  class PointDisplayElement
          DisplayElement that encapsulates a point geometry (GM_Point) and a PointSymbolizer.
 class PolygonDisplayElement
          DisplayElement that encapsulates a Surface or MultiSurface geometry and a PolygonSymbolizer.
 class RasterDisplayElement

Methods in that return DisplayElement
static DisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o)
          Builds a DisplayElement using the given Feature or GridCoverage and the default Symbolizer.
static DisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o, Symbolizer symbolizer)
          Builds a DisplayElement using the given Feature or GridCoverage and Symbolizer.
 DisplayElement[] DisplayElementFactory.createDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o, UserStyle[] styles)
 DisplayElement[] DisplayElementFactory.createDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o, UserStyle[] styles, GetMap request)
          Returns the display elements for a Feature or GridCoverage.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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