deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Font   

Uses of Font in

Methods in that return Font
static Font StyleFactory.createFont(java.awt.Font font)
          create a geotools font object from a java font
static Font StyleFactory.createFont(java.lang.String fontFamily, boolean italic, boolean bold, double fontSize)
          create font of supplied family, size and weight/style
static Font StyleFactory.createFont(java.lang.String fontFamily, double fontSize)
          create font of supplied family and size
 Font TextSymbolizer.getFont()
          Identifies a Font of a certain family, style, and size.

Methods in with parameters of type Font
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createStaticTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font[] fonts, java.lang.String label)
          Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createStaticTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font font, java.lang.String label)
          Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font font, java.lang.String attributeName, LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
          create a textsymbolizer
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          create a textsymbolizer
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, java.lang.String attribute, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          create a textsymbolizer
 void TextSymbolizer.setFont(Font font)
          Sets a Font of a certain family, style, and size.

Constructors in with parameters of type Font
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType text, Font font, Halo halo, ParameterValueType minx, ParameterValueType miny, ParameterValueType maxx, ParameterValueType maxy)
          Initializing with bounding box.
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the TextSymbolizer
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, java.lang.String responsibleClass, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the TextSymbolizer

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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