deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use LabelPlacement   

Uses of LabelPlacement in

Methods in that return LabelPlacement
static LabelPlacement StyleFactory.createLabelPlacement(LinePlacement linePlacement)
          creates a label placement that is orientated on a line
static LabelPlacement StyleFactory.createLabelPlacement(PointPlacement pointPlacement)
          creates a label placement that is orientated on a point
 LabelPlacement TextSymbolizer.getLabelPlacement()
          Used to position a label relative to a point or a line string.

Methods in with parameters of type LabelPlacement
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font font, java.lang.String attributeName, LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
          create a textsymbolizer
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          create a textsymbolizer
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, java.lang.String attribute, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          create a textsymbolizer
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, java.lang.String attribute, LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
          create a textsymbolizer
 void TextSymbolizer.setLabelPlacement(LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
          sets the

Constructors in with parameters of type LabelPlacement
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the TextSymbolizer
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, java.lang.String responsibleClass, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the TextSymbolizer

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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