deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Rule   

Uses of Rule in

Fields in with type parameters of type Rule
protected  java.util.ArrayList<Rule> LegendElement.ruleslist
          the list of rules

Methods in that return Rule
 Rule[] LegendElement.getRules()
          gets the Rules as an array

Methods in with parameters of type Rule
 void LegendElement.addRule(Rule rule)
          adds a rule to the ArrayList ruleslist
 void LegendElement.setRules(Rule[] rules)
          sets the rules

Constructors in with parameters of type Rule
LegendElement(Rule[] rules, java.lang.String label, double orientation, int labelPosition, boolean active, int width, int height)

Uses of Rule in

Methods in that return Rule
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer)
          create a simple styling rule
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers)
          reate a simple styling rule
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, LegendGraphic legendGraphic, Filter filter, boolean elseFilter, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a complex styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
 Rule[] FeatureTypeStyle.getRules()
          Rules are used to group rendering instructions by feature-property conditions and map scales.

Methods in with parameters of type Rule
 void FeatureTypeStyle.addRule(Rule rule)
          adds the <Rules>
static FeatureTypeStyle StyleFactory.createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule rule)
          create a Feature type styler
static FeatureTypeStyle StyleFactory.createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule[] rules)
          create a Feature type styler
static FeatureTypeStyle StyleFactory.createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Rule rule)
          create a Feature type styler
static FeatureTypeStyle StyleFactory.createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Rule[] rules)
          create a Feature type styler
static FeatureTypeStyle StyleFactory.createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String featureTypeName, Rule[] rules)
          create a Feature type styler
static AbstractStyle StyleFactory.createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String featureTypeName, Rule[] rules)
          create a style
 void FeatureTypeStyle.removeRule(Rule rule)
          removes a rule
 void FeatureTypeStyle.setRules(Rule[] rules)
          sets the <Rules>

Constructors in with parameters of type Rule
FeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String featureTypeName, java.lang.String[] semanticTypeIdentifier, Rule[] rules)
          constructor initializing the class with the

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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