deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use StatementBuffer   

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
 com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeQuery SDEDatastore.prepareStatement(SDEConnection conn, StatementBuffer statementBuffer)
          Converts the StatementBuffer into a PreparedStatement, which is initialized and ready to be performed.

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in that return StatementBuffer
protected  StatementBuffer QueryHandler.buildInitialSelect(SelectManager selectManager)
          Builds the initial SELECT statement.

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
 void AbstractRequestHandler.appendColumnsList(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String[] columns)
          Appends the specified columns as a comma-separated list to the given query.
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendFeatureIdColumns(MappedFeatureType featureType, java.lang.String tableAlias, StatementBuffer query)
          Appends the alias qualified columns that make up the feature id to the given query.
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendFeatureIdConstraint(StatementBuffer query, FeatureId fid)
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendFeatureIdConstraint(StatementBuffer query, FeatureId fid, java.lang.String tableAlias)
 void AbstractSQLDatastore.appendGeometryColumnGet(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String tableAlias, java.lang.String column)
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendJoinCondition(TableRelation tableRelation, java.lang.String fromAlias, java.lang.String toAlias, StatementBuffer query)
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendJoins(TableRelation[] tableRelation, java.lang.String fromAlias, java.lang.String[] toAliases, StatementBuffer query)
 void AbstractRequestHandler.appendQualifiedColumn(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String tableAlias, java.lang.String column)
          Appends the specified column to the given query.
 void AbstractRequestHandler.appendQualifiedColumnsList(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String tableAlias, java.lang.String[] columns)
          Appends the specified columns as alias-qualified, comma-separated list to the given query.
protected  void FeatureFetcher.appendQualifiedContentList(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String tableAlias, java.util.List<java.util.List<SimpleContent>> fetchContents)
 void VirtualContentProvider.appendSpecialContentValue(StatementBuffer query, SpecialContent param)
          Appends the variable from a SpecialContent property to the given StatementBuffer.
 void VirtualContentProvider.appendSQLFunctionCall(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String tableAlias, SQLFunctionCall call)
          Appends a SQLFunctionCall to the given StatementBuffer.
 java.sql.PreparedStatement AbstractSQLDatastore.prepareStatement(java.sql.Connection conn, StatementBuffer statementBuffer)
          Converts the StatementBuffer into a PreparedStatement, which is initialized and ready to be performed.

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
protected  void GenericSQLWhereBuilder.appendPropertyIsLikeOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyIsLikeOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void GenericSQLWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
 void MySQLDatastore.appendGeometryColumnGet(StatementBuffer query, java.lang.String tableAlias, java.lang.String column)
protected  void MySQLWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
protected  void OracleSpatialWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.
 java.sql.PreparedStatement OracleDatastore.prepareStatement(java.sql.Connection conn, StatementBuffer statementBuffer)
          Converts the StatementBuffer into a PreparedStatement, which is initialized and ready to be performed.

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
protected  void PostGISWhereBuilder.appendPropertyIsLikeOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyIsLikeOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void PostGISWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.

Uses of StatementBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type StatementBuffer
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendArithmeticExpressionAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, ArithmeticExpression expression, int targetSqlType)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendComparisonOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, ComparisonOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendComplexFilterAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, ComplexFilter filter)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendExpressionAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Expression expression, int targetSqlType)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendFeatureFilterAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, FeatureFilter filter)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendFunctionAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Function function, int targetSqlType)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
 void WhereBuilder.appendJoinTableList(StatementBuffer query)
          Appends the alias-qualified, comma separated list of all tables to be joined in order to represent the associated filter expression (and possibly feature type joins).
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendLiteralAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Literal literal, int targetSqlType)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendLogicalOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, LogicalOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Operation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
 void WhereBuilder.appendOrderByCondition(StatementBuffer query)
          Appends an SQL "ORDER BY"-condition that corresponds to the sort properties of the query to the given SQL statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendPropertyIsBetweenOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyIsBetweenOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendPropertyIsCOMPOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyIsCOMPOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendPropertyIsLikeOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyIsLikeOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendPropertyIsNullOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyIsNullOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendPropertyNameAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyName propertyName)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendPropertyPathAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, PropertyPath propertyPath)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
 void WhereBuilder.appendWhereCondition(StatementBuffer query)
          Appends an SQL WHERE-condition corresponding to the Filter to the given SQL statement.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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