deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)
Class ShapeUtils

  extended by

public class ShapeUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Utilities for reading and writing the components of shape files. Last changes:
25.11.1999 ap: memory allocation dynaminized
17.1.2000 ap: method SHPPoint readPoint(byte[] b, int off) modified
17.1.2000 ap: method SHPEnvelope readBox(byte[] b, int off) modified
17.1.2000 ap: method writePoint(..) modified

Andreas Poth

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static SHPEnvelope readBox(byte[] b, int off)
          method: readBox(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a bounding box record.
static SHPPoint readPoint(byte[] b, int off)
          readPoint(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a point record.
static int writeBox(byte[] b, int off, SHPEnvelope box)
          method: writeBox(byte[] b, int off, ESRIBoundingBox box)
Writes the given bounding box to the given buffer at the given location.
static int writePoint(byte[] b, int off, SHPPoint point)
          method: writePoint(byte[] b, int off, ESRIPoint point)
Writes the given point to the given buffer at the given location.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ShapeUtils()
Method Detail


public static SHPPoint readPoint(byte[] b,
                                 int off)
readPoint(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a point record. A point record is a double representing the x value and a double representing a y value.

b - the raw data buffer
off - the offset into the buffer where the int resides
the point read from the buffer at the offset location


public static SHPEnvelope readBox(byte[] b,
                                  int off)
method: readBox(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a bounding box record. A bounding box is four double representing, in order, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax.

b - the raw data buffer
off - the offset into the buffer where the int resides
the point read from the buffer at the offset location


public static int writePoint(byte[] b,
                             int off,
                             SHPPoint point)
method: writePoint(byte[] b, int off, ESRIPoint point)
Writes the given point to the given buffer at the given location. The point is written as a double representing x followed by a double representing y.

b - the data buffer
off - the offset into the buffer where writing should occur
point - the point to write
the number of bytes written


public static int writeBox(byte[] b,
                           int off,
                           SHPEnvelope box)
method: writeBox(byte[] b, int off, ESRIBoundingBox box)
Writes the given bounding box to the given buffer at the given location. The bounding box is written as four doubles representing, in order, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax.

b - the data buffer
off - the offset into the buffer where writing should occur
box - the bounding box to write
the number of bytes written

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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