deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)


Class Summary
FileHeader Class representing an ESRI Index File Header.
IndexFile Class representing an ESRI Shape File.
IndexRecord Class representing a record of an ESRI .shx file.
MainFile Class representing an ESRI Shape File.
PartsArrayItem Class representing a part of an ESRI .shp file record.
ShapeConst Class containing all constants needed for reading of a shape file
ShapeFile Class representing an ESRI Shape File.
ShapeUtils Utilities for reading and writing the components of shape files.
SHP2WKS the class SHP2WKS transforms a polygon structure read from a shape-file
into a WKSLinearPolygon specified by the sf-specifications
SHPEnvelope Class representing a rectangle - envelope.
SHPGeometry Class representing basic Geometry for geometries read from a shape-file.
SHPMultiPoint Class representig a collection of points
SHPNullShape Class representig an empty geometry
SHPPoint Class representig a two dimensional point
SHPPolygon Class representig a two dimensional ESRI Polygon
SHPPolygon3D ...
SHPPolyLine Class representig a two dimensional ESRI PolyLine

Exception Summary
HasNoDBaseFileException class defining an exception that is thrown if no dBase-file is associated with a shape-file
OpenGISException OpenGIS related exceptions thrown by methods in this package.
SHPException Shapefile related exceptions thrown by methods in this package.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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