deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.configuration

Class Summary
CatalogueConfiguration Represents the configuration for a deegree CSW 2.0 instance.
CatalogueConfigurationDocument Represents an XML configuration document for a deegree CSW 2.0 instance, i.e. it consists of all sections common to an OGC CSW 2.0 capabilities document plus a deegree specific section named deegreeParams.
CatalogueDeegreeParams Represents the specific deegreeParams section of the configuration for a deegree CSW 2.0 instance.
CatalogueOutputSchemaParameter Specialized implementation of the OWSDomainType used for specifying the "outputSchema" parameter of the "GetRecords"-operation.
CatalogueOutputSchemaValue Specialized implementation of the 'Value'-element used for specifying the "outputSchema" parameter of the "GetRecords"-operation.
CatalogueTypeNameSchemaParameter Specialized implementation of the OWSDomainType used for specifying the "typeName" parameter of the "GetRecords"-operation.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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