deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
Class Summary | |
DescribeRecord | The mandatory DescribeRecord operation allows a client to discover elements of the information model supported by the target catalogue service. |
DescribeRecordDocument | Represents an XML DescribeRecord document of an OGC CSW 2.0 compliant service. |
DescribeRecordDocument_2_0_2 | |
DescribeRecordResult | Class representation of a DescribeRecordResponse/code>. |
DescribeRecordResultDocument | Represents an XML DescribeRecordResponse document of an OGC CSW 2.0 compliant service. |
Discovery | The Discovery class allows clients to discover resources registered in a catalogue, by providing four operations
named query ,present , describeRecordType , and getDomain . |
Discovery_2_0_2_blob | The Discovery class allows clients to discover resources registered in a catalogue, by providing four operations
named query ,present , describeRecordType , and getDomain . |
DomainResult | |
DomainValues | |
GetDomain | The optional GetDomain operation is used to obtain runtime information about the range of values of a metadata record element or request parameter. |
GetRecordById | The mandatory GetRecordById request retrieves the default representation of catalogue records using their identifier. |
GetRecordByIdDocument | |
GetRecordByIdDocument_2_0_2 | |
GetRecordByIdResult | |
GetRecordByIdResultDocument | |
GetRecords | Class representation of a GetRecords request. |
GetRecordsDocument | Represents an XML GetRecords document of an OGC CSW 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 compliant service. |
GetRecordsDocument_2_0_2 | |
GetRecordsResult | Class representation of a GetRecordsResponse/code>. |
GetRecordsResultDocument | Represents an XML GetRecordsResponse document of an OGC CSW 2.0 compliant service. |
GetRepositoryItem | The GetRepositoryItem class encapsulates the data of a request for a repository
item. |
GetRepositoryItemResponse | The GetRepositoryItemResponse wraps the result of a repository item as an xml-dom representation. |
Query | Main component of a GetRecords request. |
SchemaComponent | A schema component includes a schema fragment (type definition) or an entire schema from some target namespace; the schema language is identified by URI. |
SearchResults | Class representation of a <csw:SearchResults>-element. |
SearchStatus | Class representation of a <csw:SearchStatus>-element. |
XMLFactory |
Enum Summary | |
GetRecords.RESULT_TYPE | The RESULT_TYPE a simple enum which defines some result values of a GetRecord. |
deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
For more information visit: http://www.deegree.org