deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Layer

Uses of Layer in org.deegree.portal.context

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context that return Layer
 Layer MMLayer.getLayer()
 Layer LayerList.getLayer(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. use
 Layer LayerList.getLayer(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String serverAddress)
          returns a layer identifies by its name and service address
 Layer[] LayerList.getLayers()
          returns all layers of the web map context
 Layer[] LayerList.getLayersByNodeId(int id)
 Layer LayerList.removeLayer(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. use #removeLayer(String, String) instead
 Layer LayerList.removeLayer(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String serverAddress)
          removes a layer identified by its name from the web map context

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context with parameters of type Layer
 ViewContext DefaultMapModelAccess.addLayer(int index, Layer layer)
 ViewContext MapModelAccess.addLayer(int index, Layer layer)
          adds a layer to the defined index position of the layer list of a ViewContext.
 ViewContext DefaultMapModelAccess.addLayer(Layer layer)
 ViewContext MapModelAccess.addLayer(Layer layer)
          adds a layer to the end of the layer list of a ViewContext.
 void LayerList.addLayer(Layer layer)
          adds one layer to the the web map context.
 ViewContext DefaultMapModelAccess.addLayers(Layer[] layers)
 ViewContext MapModelAccess.addLayers(Layer[] layers)
          adds a number of layers to the end of the layer list of a ViewContext.
 void LayerList.addLayerToTop(Layer layer)
          adds one layer to the top of the web map context.
protected static void XMLFactory.appendLayer(org.w3c.dom.Node toNode, Layer layer)
          Appends the XML representation of a Layer to a Node using the namespace.
 void LayerList.move(Layer layer, boolean up)
          moves a layer within the layer list up or down
 void LayerList.move(Layer layer, Layer beforeLayer)
          moves a layer within the layer list before the beforeLayer
(package private)  void MMLayer.setLayer(Layer layer)
 ViewContext DefaultMapModelAccess.setLayers(Layer[] layers)
 ViewContext MapModelAccess.setLayers(Layer[] layers)
          sets the layers to a ViewContext.
 void LayerList.setLayers(Layer[] layers)
          sets all layers of the web map context

Constructors in org.deegree.portal.context with parameters of type Layer
LayerList(Layer[] layers)
          Creates a new LayerList object.
MMLayer(java.lang.String identifier, LayerGroup parent, MapModel owner, Layer layer)

Uses of Layer in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Layer
protected  java.lang.String FeatureInfoPortletPerform.perform(java.util.List<Layer> layerList, ViewContext vc)
          distributes the performance of the feature info requests depending on the requested service to a specialized method

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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