deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use SecurityAccess   

Uses of SecurityAccess in

Methods in that return SecurityAccess
static SecurityAccess ClientHelper.acquireAccess(AbstractListener listener)
          Tries to acquire a SecurityAccess for the credentials (username, password) stored in the associated HttpSesssion of the given AbstractListener.
static SecurityAccess SecurityHelper.acquireAccess(AbstractListener listener)
          Tries to acquire a SecurityAccess for the credentials (username, password) stored in the associated HttpSesssion of the given AbstractListener.

Methods in with parameters of type SecurityAccess
static Role ClientHelper.checkForAdminOrSubadminRole(SecurityAccess access)
          Returns the associated 'Administrator'- or 'SUBADMIN:'-role of the token holder.
static Role SecurityHelper.checkForAdminOrSubadminRole(SecurityAccess access)
          Returns the associated 'Administrator'- or 'SUBADMIN:'-role of the token holder.
static void ClientHelper.checkForAdminRole(SecurityAccess access)
          Tests if the given token is associated with the 'Administrator'-role.
static void SecurityHelper.checkForAdminRole(SecurityAccess access)
          Tests if the given token is associated with the 'Administrator'-role.
static void ClientHelper.checkSubadminRoleValidity(SecurityAccess access)
          Tests if the 'SUBADMIN:' and 'Administrator'-roles are all disjoint (so that there are no users that have more than 1 role).
static void SecurityHelper.checkSubadminRoleValidity(SecurityAccess access)
          Tests if the 'SUBADMIN:' and 'Administrator'-roles are all disjoint (so that there are no users that have more than 1 role).
static Role ClientHelper.findAdminForRole(SecurityAccess access, Role role)
          Returns the administrator (the 'Administrator'- or a 'SUBADMIN:'-role) for the given role.
static Role SecurityHelper.findAdminForRole(SecurityAccess access, Role role)
          Returns the administrator (the 'Administrator'- or a 'SUBADMIN:'-role) for the given role.

Uses of SecurityAccess in

Subclasses of SecurityAccess in
 class SecurityTransaction

Methods in that return SecurityAccess
 SecurityAccess SecurityAccessManager.acquireAccess(User user)
          Tries to acquire a SecurityAccess -instance.

Methods in with parameters of type SecurityAccess
static Role SecurityHelper.checkForAdminOrSubadminRole(SecurityAccess access)
          Returns the associated 'Administrator'- or 'SUBADMIN:'-role of the token holder.
static void SecurityHelper.checkForAdminRole(SecurityAccess access)
          Tests if the given token is associated with the 'Administrator'-role.
static void SecurityHelper.checkSubadminRoleValidity(SecurityAccess access)
          Tests if the 'SUBADMIN:' and 'Administrator'-roles are all disjoint (so that there are no users that have more than 1 role).
static Role SecurityHelper.findAdminForRole(SecurityAccess access, Role role)
          Returns the administrator (the 'Administrator'- or a 'SUBADMIN:'-role) for the given role.
 Group[] SecurityRegistry.getAllGroups(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry.
 Group[] SQLRegistry.getAllGroups(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry.
 Role[] SecurityRegistry.getAllRoles(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry, except those that are only used internally (these end with a $ symbol);
 Role[] SQLRegistry.getAllRoles(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry, except those that are only used internally (these have namespaces that begin with $).
 SecuredObject[] SecurityRegistry.getAllSecuredObjects(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves all SecuredObject s from the Registry.
 SecuredObject[] SQLRegistry.getAllSecuredObjects(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves all SecuredObject s with the given type from the Registry.
 java.util.LinkedList<Service> SecurityRegistry.getAllServices(SecurityAccess access)
 java.util.LinkedList<Service> SQLRegistry.getAllServices(SecurityAccess access)
 User[] SecurityRegistry.getAllUsers(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Retrieves all User s from the Registry.
 User[] SQLRegistry.getAllUsers(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Retrieves all User s from the Registry.
 Group SecurityRegistry.getGroupById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a Group from the Registry.
 Group SQLRegistry.getGroupById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a Group from the Registry.
 Group SecurityRegistry.getGroupByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Group from the Registry.
 Group SQLRegistry.getGroupByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Group from the Registry.
 Group[] SecurityRegistry.getGroupsForGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry that the given Group belongs to.
 Group[] SQLRegistry.getGroupsForGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry that the given Group is a DIRECT member (i.e. not via inheritance) of.
 Group[] SecurityRegistry.getGroupsForUser(SecurityAccess securityAccess, User user)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry that the given User belongs to.
 Group[] SQLRegistry.getGroupsForUser(SecurityAccess securityAccess, User user)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry that the given User is a DIRECT (i.e. not via inheritance) member of.
 Group[] SecurityRegistry.getGroupsInGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry belong to the given Group.
 Group[] SQLRegistry.getGroupsInGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all Groups s from the Registry that are members of another Group DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance).
 Group[] SecurityRegistry.getGroupsWithRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry that are associated with a given Role.
 Group[] SQLRegistry.getGroupsWithRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Group s from the Registry that are associated with a given Role DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance).
 Privilege SecurityRegistry.getPrivilegeByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Privilege from the Registry.
 Privilege SQLRegistry.getPrivilegeByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Privilege from the Registry.
 Privilege[] SecurityRegistry.getPrivilegesForRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Privileges s from the Registry that are associated with a given Role.
 Privilege[] SQLRegistry.getPrivilegesForRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Privileges s from the Registry that are associated DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group memberships) with a given Role.
 Right[] SecurityRegistry.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object, Role role)
          Retrieves the Rights from the Registry that are associated with a given Role and a SecurableObject.
 Right[] SQLRegistry.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object, Role role)
          Retrieves the Rights from the Registry that are associated with a given Role and a SecurableObject.
 RightType SecurityRegistry.getRightTypeByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a RightType from the Registry.
 RightType SQLRegistry.getRightTypeByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Right from the Registry.
 Role SecurityRegistry.getRoleById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a Role from the Registry.
 Role SQLRegistry.getRoleById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a Role from the Registry.
 Role SecurityRegistry.getRoleByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Role from the Registry.
 Role SQLRegistry.getRoleByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a Role from the Registry.
 Role[] SecurityRegistry.getRolesByNS(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String ns)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry that have a certain namespace.
 Role[] SQLRegistry.getRolesByNS(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String ns)
          Retrieves all Roles s from the Registry that have a certain namespace.
 Role[] SecurityRegistry.getRolesForGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry that are associated with a given Group DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group memberships).
 Role[] SQLRegistry.getRolesForGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry that are associated with a given Group DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance).
 Role[] SecurityRegistry.getRolesForUser(SecurityAccess securityAccess, User user)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry that are associated with a given User DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group memberships).
 Role[] SQLRegistry.getRolesForUser(SecurityAccess securityAccess, User user)
          Retrieves all Role s from the Registry that are associated with a given User DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group memberships).
 java.util.LinkedList<Service> SecurityRegistry.getRolesServices(SecurityAccess access, Role role)
 java.util.LinkedList<Service> SQLRegistry.getRolesServices(SecurityAccess access, Role role)
 SecuredObject SecurityRegistry.getSecuredObjectById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a SecuredObject from the Registry.
 SecuredObject SQLRegistry.getSecuredObjectById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a SecuredObject from the Registry.
 SecuredObject SecurityRegistry.getSecuredObjectByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves a SecuredObject from the Registry.
 SecuredObject SQLRegistry.getSecuredObjectByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves a SecuredObject from the Registry.
 SecuredObject[] SecurityRegistry.getSecuredObjectsByNS(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves all SecuredObject s from the Registry that have a certain namespace.
 SecuredObject[] SQLRegistry.getSecuredObjectsByNS(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves all SecuredObject s from the Registry that have a certain namespace.
 Service SecurityRegistry.getServiceByAddress(SecurityAccess access, java.lang.String address)
 Service SQLRegistry.getServiceByAddress(SecurityAccess access, java.lang.String address)
 Service SQLRegistry.getServiceById(SecurityAccess access, int id)
 User SecurityRegistry.getUserById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a User from the Registry.
 User SQLRegistry.getUserById(SecurityAccess securityAccess, int id)
          Retrieves a User from the Registry.
 User SecurityRegistry.getUserByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a User from the Registry.
 User SQLRegistry.getUserByName(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a User from the Registry.
 User[] SecurityRegistry.getUsersInGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all User s from the Registry belong to the given Group.
 User[] SQLRegistry.getUsersInGroup(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Group group)
          Retrieves all User s from the Registry that belong to the given Group DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance).
 User[] SecurityRegistry.getUsersWithRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Users s from the Registry that are associated DIRECTLY (SecurityAccess securityAccess, i.e. not via group memberships) with a given Role.
 User[] SQLRegistry.getUsersWithRole(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Role role)
          Retrieves all Users s from the Registry that are associated DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group memberships) with a given Role.

Uses of SecurityAccess in

Methods in with parameters of type SecurityAccess
 User[] Role.getAllUsers(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the User s that are associated with this role either directly or via group membership.
 Group[] Role.getGroups(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Group s that are associated with this role DIRECTLY, i.e. not via membership in other roles.
 Group[] User.getGroups(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the groups that this user belongs to.
 Group[] Group.getGroups(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Groups s that are DIRECT members (i.e. not via inheritance) of this group.
 Privilege[] Role.getPrivileges(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Privilege s that this role has.
 Privilege[] User.getPrivileges(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Privileges that the User has (directly and via group memberships).
 Privilege[] Group.getPrivileges(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the Privileges that the Group has.
 RightSet Role.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object)
          Returns the rights that this role defines concerning the given SecurableObject.
 RightSet User.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object)
          Returns the rights that this User has on the given SecurableObject (directly and via group memberships).
 RightSet Group.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object)
          Returns the rights that this Group has on the given SecurableObject.
 Role[] User.getRoles(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the roles that this is user is associated with (directly and via group memberships).
 Role[] Group.getRoles(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns Role s that this group is associated with directly.
 User[] Role.getUsers(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the User s that are associated with this role DIRECTLY, i.e. not via group membership.
 User[] Group.getUsers(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns the User s that are DIRECT (i.e. not via group membership) members of this group.
 boolean Role.hasPrivilege(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Privilege privilege)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain Privilege.
 boolean User.hasPrivilege(SecurityAccess securityAccess, Privilege privilege)
          Returns whether the User has a certain Privilege (either directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasPrivilege(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String s)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain privilege.
 boolean User.hasPrivilege(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String s)
          Returns whether the User has a certain privilege (either directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, Feature accessParams, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain Right on a SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean User.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, Feature accessParams, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the User has a certain Right on this SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain Right on a SecurableObject.
 boolean User.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the User has a certain Right on this SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String s, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain right on a SecurableObject.
 boolean User.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, java.lang.String s, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the User has a certain right on this SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 java.lang.String Role.toString(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns a String representation of this object.
 java.lang.String User.toString(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns a String representation of this object.
 java.lang.String Group.toString(SecurityAccess securityAccess)
          Returns a String representation of this object.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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