deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
Packages that use SecurityTransaction | |
org.deegree.portal.standard.security.control | |
org.deegree.security.drm |
Uses of SecurityTransaction in org.deegree.portal.standard.security.control |
Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.security.control that return SecurityTransaction | |
static SecurityTransaction |
ClientHelper.acquireTransaction(AbstractListener listener)
Tries to acquire a SecurityTransaction for the credentials (username,
password) stored in the associated HttpSesssion . |
static SecurityTransaction |
SecurityHelper.acquireTransaction(AbstractListener listener)
Tries to acquire a SecurityTransaction for the credentials (username, password) stored in the
associated HttpSesssion . |
Uses of SecurityTransaction in org.deegree.security.drm |
Methods in org.deegree.security.drm that return SecurityTransaction | |
SecurityTransaction |
SecurityAccessManager.acquireTransaction(User user)
Tries to acquire the SecurityTransaction for the given User . |
Methods in org.deegree.security.drm with parameters of type SecurityTransaction | |
void |
SecurityRegistry.abortTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Signals the Registry that the transaction shall be aborted. |
void |
SecurityAccessManager.abortTransaction(SecurityTransaction lock)
Aborts the current transaction and undoes all changes made to the Registry . |
void |
SQLRegistry.abortTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Signals the SQLRegistry that the current transaction shall be aborted. |
void |
SecurityRegistry.beginTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Signals the Registry that a new transaction starts. |
void |
SQLRegistry.beginTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Signals the SQLRegistry that a new transaction begins. |
void |
SecurityRegistry.clean(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Deletes all data from the Registry and sets the default objects (SEC_ADMIN user, role and group) and
standard rights and privileges. |
void |
SQLRegistry.clean(SecurityTransaction transaction)
void |
SecurityRegistry.commitTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Signals the Registry that the current transaction ends. |
void |
SecurityAccessManager.commitTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Ends the current transaction and commits all changes to the Registry . |
void |
SQLRegistry.commitTransaction(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Signals the SQLRegistry that the current transaction ends, i.e. the changes made by the transaction
are made persistent. |
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group)
Removes an existing Group from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group)
Removes an existing Group from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Privilege privilege)
Removes an existing Privilege from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Privilege privilege)
Removes an existing Privilege from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterRightType(SecurityTransaction transaction,
RightType type)
Removes an existing RightType from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterRightType(SecurityTransaction transaction,
RightType type)
Removes an existing RightType from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role)
Removes an existing Role from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role)
Removes an existing Role from the Registry (including its relations). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterSecuredObject(SecurityTransaction transaction,
SecuredObject object)
Removes an existing SecuredObject from the Registry (including its associated rights). |
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterSecuredObject(SecurityTransaction transaction,
SecuredObject object)
Removes an existing SecuredObject from the Registry (including its associations). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterService(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Service service)
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterService(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Service service)
void |
SecurityRegistry.deregisterUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user)
Removes an existing User |
void |
SQLRegistry.deregisterUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user)
Removes an existing User |
void |
SecurityRegistry.editService(SecurityTransaction securityTransaction,
Service service,
java.lang.String newTitle,
java.lang.String newAddress)
void |
SQLRegistry.editService(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Service service,
java.lang.String newTitle,
java.lang.String newAddress)
Group |
SecurityRegistry.registerGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title)
Adds a new Group-account to the Registry . |
Group |
SQLRegistry.registerGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title)
Adds a new group account to the Registry . |
Privilege |
SecurityRegistry.registerPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name)
Adds a new Privilege to the Registry . |
Privilege |
SQLRegistry.registerPrivilege(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name)
Adds a new Privilege to the Registry . |
RightType |
SecurityRegistry.registerRightType(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name)
Adds a new RightType to the Registry . |
RightType |
SQLRegistry.registerRightType(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name)
Adds a new Right to the Registry . |
Role |
SecurityRegistry.registerRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name)
Adds a new role to the Registry . |
Role |
SQLRegistry.registerRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name)
Adds a new role to the Registry . |
SecuredObject |
SecurityRegistry.registerSecuredObject(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title)
Adds a new SecuredObject to the Registry . |
SecuredObject |
SQLRegistry.registerSecuredObject(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title)
Adds a new SecuredObject to the Registry . |
Service |
SecurityRegistry.registerService(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String address,
java.lang.String title,
java.util.List<StringPair> objects,
java.lang.String type)
Service |
SQLRegistry.registerService(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String address,
java.lang.String title,
java.util.List<StringPair> objects,
java.lang.String type)
User |
SecurityRegistry.registerUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String password,
java.lang.String lastName,
java.lang.String firstName,
java.lang.String mailAddress)
Adds a new User-account to the Registry . |
User |
SQLRegistry.registerUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String password,
java.lang.String lastName,
java.lang.String firstName,
java.lang.String emailAddress)
Adds a new user account to the Registry . |
void |
SecurityRegistry.renameObject(SecurityTransaction securityTransaction,
Service service,
java.lang.String oldName,
java.lang.String newName)
void |
SQLRegistry.renameObject(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Service service,
java.lang.String oldName,
java.lang.String newName)
void |
SecurityRegistry.setGroupsForGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Groups s that a given Group is member of DIRECTLY (i.e. not via group
membership). |
void |
SQLRegistry.setGroupsForGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Group s that a given Group is member of DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setGroupsForUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Group s that a given User is a DIRECT member of. |
void |
SQLRegistry.setGroupsForUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Group s that a given User is member of DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setGroupsInGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Groups s that are members of a given Group . |
void |
SQLRegistry.setGroupsInGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Groups s that are members of a given Group DIRECTLY (i.e. not via
inheritance). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setGroupsWithRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Group s that a given Role is associated to. |
void |
SQLRegistry.setGroupsWithRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role,
Group[] groups)
Sets the Group s that a given Role is associated to DIRECTLY (i.e. not via
inheritance). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setPrivilegesForRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role,
Privilege[] privileges)
Sets all Privilege s that are associated with a given Role . |
void |
SQLRegistry.setPrivilegesForRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role,
Privilege[] privileges)
Sets all Privilege s that are associated with a given Role . |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction,
SecurableObject[] objects,
Role role,
Right right)
Sets one Right to be associated with a given Role and all given
SecurableObjects . |
void |
SQLRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction,
SecurableObject[] objects,
Role role,
Right right)
Sets one Right to be associated with a given Role and all given
SecurableObjects . |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction,
SecurableObject object,
Role role,
Right[] rights)
Sets the Rights to be associated with a given Role and SecurableObject . |
void |
SQLRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction,
SecurableObject object,
Role role,
Right[] rights)
Sets the Rights to be associated with a given Role and SecurableObject . |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setRolesForGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
Role[] roles)
Sets the Role s that a given Group is associated to. |
void |
SQLRegistry.setRolesForGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
Role[] roles)
Sets the Role s that a given Group is associated to directly (i.e. not via
inheritance). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setRolesForUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user,
Role[] roles)
Sets the Role s that a given User is directly associated to. |
void |
SQLRegistry.setRolesForUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user,
Role[] roles)
Sets the Role s that a given User is directly associated to (i.e. not via
Group membership). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setServicesRights(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> services,
Role role)
Sets the services an user has access to. |
void |
SQLRegistry.setServicesRights(SecurityTransaction transaction,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> services,
Role role)
void |
SecurityRegistry.setUsersInGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
User[] users)
Sets the User s that are members of a given Group . |
void |
SQLRegistry.setUsersInGroup(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Group group,
User[] users)
Sets the User s that are members of a given Group DIRECTLY (i.e. not via inheritance). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.setUsersWithRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role,
User[] users)
Sets the User s that a given Role is associated to. |
void |
SQLRegistry.setUsersWithRole(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Role role,
User[] users)
Sets the User s that a given Role is associated to DIRECTLY (i.e. not via
Group membership). |
void |
SecurityRegistry.updateService(SecurityTransaction securityTransaction,
Service oldService,
Service newService)
void |
SQLRegistry.updateService(SecurityTransaction transaction,
Service oldService,
Service newService)
void |
SecurityRegistry.updateUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user)
Updates the metadata (name, email, etc.) of a User in the Registry . |
void |
SQLRegistry.updateUser(SecurityTransaction transaction,
User user)
Updates the metadata (name, email, etc.) of a User in the Registry . |
(package private) void |
SecurityAccessManager.verify(SecurityTransaction transaction)
Verifies that the submitted Transaction is valid. |
deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
For more information visit: http://www.deegree.org