deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official | |||||||||
Packages that use org.deegree.crs.exceptions | |
org.deegree.commons.utils | |
org.deegree.coverage.raster | Provides for simple and complex raster (grid coverages). |
org.deegree.crs | The org.deegree.crs package contains all necessities to transform and project coordinates form one coordinates system into another. |
org.deegree.crs.configuration | The org.deegree.crs.configuraton package contains the classes necessary to read crs-definitions from a specified backend ( database or xml-file). |
org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.db | |
org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.xml | |
org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.xml.om | |
org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.xml.stax.parsers | |
org.deegree.crs.configuration.gml | |
org.deegree.crs.configuration.proj4 | |
org.deegree.crs.exceptions | The exception package holds the exceptions which can be used for all crs-transforms and projections. |
org.deegree.crs.projections | A map projection create a 2D view of the 3D-Object 'earth', by doing so, some information is inevitably lost. |
org.deegree.crs.projections.azimuthal | Azimuthal projections use a plane to project the earth onto. |
org.deegree.crs.projections.cylindric | Cylindrical projections use a cylinder (may it be oblique or not) to create projection of a region of the earth. |
org.deegree.crs.transformations | A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. |
org.deegree.crs.transformations.coordinate | Coordinate Transformations allow the chaining of operations to map coordinates of one coordinate systems onto a coordinate valid in another coordinate system. |
org.deegree.crs.transformations.helmert | A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. |
org.deegree.crs.transformations.ntv2 | |
org.deegree.crs.transformations.polynomial | A Transformation can be defined as an mathematical operation which transforms some values into other values using a specified function. |
org.deegree.feature.persistence | |
org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory | |
org.deegree.geometry | |
org.deegree.gml | |
org.deegree.gml.feature | |
org.deegree.gml.geometry | |
org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.commons.utils | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.coverage.raster | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.db | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
A CRSException will inform the user that an error occurred while transforming,
projecting or creating a crs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.xml | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.xml.om | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration.deegree.xml.stax.parsers | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration.gml | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.configuration.proj4 | |
The CRSConfigurationException can be used to inform the user of an configuration
exception. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.exceptions | |
A CRSException will inform the user that an error occurred while transforming,
projecting or creating a crs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.projections | |
The ProjectionException class can be thrown if the projection runs into a problem
while projecting coordinates. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.projections.azimuthal | |
The ProjectionException class can be thrown if the projection runs into a problem
while projecting coordinates. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.projections.cylindric | |
The ProjectionException class can be thrown if the projection runs into a problem
while projecting coordinates. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.transformations | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.transformations.coordinate | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.transformations.helmert | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.transformations.ntv2 | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.crs.transformations.polynomial | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.feature.persistence | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.feature.persistence.memory | |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.geometry | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.gml | |
The OutsideDomainException exception is thrown when a Geometry is outside the domain of coordinate
system in which the Geometry was defined. |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.gml.feature | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.gml.geometry | |
The TransformationException class can be thrown if a transformation exception
occurs. |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
Classes in org.deegree.crs.exceptions used by org.deegree.gml.geometry.validation | |
The UnknownCRSException class just wraps a message telling the user, his/her requested CRS is not
known to the CRSPovider. |
deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official | |||||||||