deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use ParameterValueType   

Uses of ParameterValueType in

Methods in that return ParameterValueType
 ParameterValueType LabelDisplayElement.getLabel()
          Returns the caption of the label as ParameterValueType.

Methods in with parameters of type ParameterValueType
 void LabelDisplayElement.setLabel(ParameterValueType label)
          Sets the caption of the label.

Uses of ParameterValueType in

Methods in that return ParameterValueType
static ParameterValueType StyleFactory.createParameterValueType(double value)
          creates a ParameterValueType instance with a String as value
static ParameterValueType StyleFactory.createParameterValueType(Expression[] expressions)
          creates a ParameterValueType instance with an array of Expression s as value
static ParameterValueType StyleFactory.createParameterValueType(int value)
          creates a ParameterValueType instance with a int as value
static ParameterValueType StyleFactory.createParameterValueType(java.lang.String value)
          creates a ParameterValueType instance with a String as value
 ParameterValueType[] PointPlacement.getAnchorPoint()
          returns the anchor points (x and y) as array of
 ParameterValueType[] TextSymbolizer.getBoundingBox()
 ParameterValueType[] PointPlacement.getDisplacement()
          returns the displacements (x and y) as array of
 ParameterValueType LinePlacement.getGap()
          returns the gap as a ParameterValueType
 ParameterValueType TextSymbolizer.getLabel()
          returns the Label as a ParameterValueType to be renderd
 ParameterValueType LinePlacement.getLineWidth()
          returns the line width as a ParameterValueType
 ParameterValueType Interpolate.getLookupValue()
 ParameterValueType Graphic.getOpacity()
          returns the ParameterValueType representation of opacity
 ParameterValueType LinePlacement.getPerpendicularOffset()
          returns the perpendicular offset as a ParameterValueType
 ParameterValueType Halo.getRadius()
          The Radius element gives the absolute size of a halo radius in pixels encoded as a floating-point number.
 ParameterValueType PointPlacement.getRotation()
          returns the rotation of ParameterValueType
 ParameterValueType Graphic.getRotation()
          returns the ParameterValueType representation of rotation
 ParameterValueType Graphic.getSize()
          returns the ParameterValueType representation of size
 ParameterValueType CssParameter.getValue()
          Returns the value of the CssParameter as an ParameterValueType.

Methods in with parameters of type ParameterValueType
static TextSymbolizer StyleFactory.createTextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          create a textsymbolizer
 void TextSymbolizer.setLabel(ParameterValueType label)
          sets the
 void Interpolate.setLookupValue(ParameterValueType lookupValue)
 void RasterSymbolizer.setOpacity(ParameterValueType opac)
 void Halo.setRadius(ParameterValueType radius)
          Sets the value for the radius of the halo.
 void Graphic.setSize(ParameterValueType size)
(package private)  void CssParameter.setValue(ParameterValueType value)
          Sets the value of the CssParameter as an ParameterValueType.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ParameterValueType
 void Categorize.setThresholds(java.util.LinkedList<ParameterValueType> thresholds)
 void Categorize.setValues(java.util.LinkedList<ParameterValueType> values)

Constructors in with parameters of type ParameterValueType
CssParameter(java.lang.String name, ParameterValueType pvt)
          constructor initializing the class with the
Graphic(java.lang.Object[] marksAndExtGraphics, ParameterValueType opacity, ParameterValueType size, ParameterValueType rotation)
          Creates a new Graphic instance.
Graphic(ParameterValueType opacity, ParameterValueType size, ParameterValueType rotation)
          Creates a new Graphic instance based on the default Mark: a square.
Halo(ParameterValueType radius, Fill fill, Stroke stroke)
          Create a new Halo -instance.
LinePlacement(ParameterValueType perpendicularOffset, ParameterValueType lineWidth, ParameterValueType gap)
PointPlacement(ParameterValueType[] anchorPoint, ParameterValueType[] displacement, ParameterValueType rotation, boolean auto)
          Creates a new PointPlacement object.
PointPlacement(ParameterValueType[] anchorPoint, ParameterValueType[] displacement, ParameterValueType rotation, boolean auto)
          Creates a new PointPlacement object.
PointPlacement(ParameterValueType[] anchorPoint, ParameterValueType[] displacement, ParameterValueType rotation, boolean auto)
          Creates a new PointPlacement object.
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType text, Font font, Halo halo, ParameterValueType minx, ParameterValueType miny, ParameterValueType maxx, ParameterValueType maxy)
          Initializing with bounding box.
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the TextSymbolizer
TextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, java.lang.String responsibleClass, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the TextSymbolizer

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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