deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use FeatureId   

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.Set<FeatureId> Datastore.determineFidsToLock(java.util.List<Lock> requestParts)
          Determines the ids of all features to be locked by the given parts of a LockFeature request, this includes all descendant and super features of the targeted features as well.
 java.util.List<FeatureId> DatastoreTransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore.

Methods in with parameters of type FeatureId
 int FeatureId.compareTo(FeatureId that)
 java.lang.String LockManager.getLockId(FeatureId fid)
          Returns the id of the lock that locks the specified feature (if it is locked).
 boolean LockManager.isLocked(FeatureId fid)
          Returns whether the specified feature is locked.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FeatureId
 Lock LockManager.acquireLock(LockFeature request, java.util.List<FeatureId> fidsToLock)
          Acquires a lock for the given LockFeature request.
 void LockManager.releaseLockPartly(java.lang.String lockId, java.util.Set<FeatureId> unlockFids)
          Releases the specified lock partly (all specified features are unlocked).

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return FeatureId
 FeatureId ParentIDGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.
abstract  FeatureId IdGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.
 FeatureId UUIDGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return FeatureId
 FeatureId MappedFeatureType.generateFid(DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Generates a new and unique feature identifier.
(package private)  FeatureId MappedGMLId.generateFid(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Generates a new and unique feature identifier.

Uses of FeatureId in

Fields in with type parameters of type FeatureId
protected  java.util.Set<FeatureId> SDEQueryHandler.featuresInGeneration
          key: feature id of features that are generated or are in generation

Methods in that return FeatureId
 FeatureId[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
protected  FeatureId SDEQueryHandler.extractFeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<MappingField,java.lang.Integer> mappingFieldMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts the feature id from the values of a result set row.
 FeatureId[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.extractFeatureIds(com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeQuery stmt, MappedFeatureType ft)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.List<FeatureId> SDEInsertHandler.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instance into the datastore.
 java.util.List<FeatureId> SDETransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore.

Methods in with parameters of type FeatureId
protected  Feature SDEQueryHandler.extractFeature(FeatureId fid, MappedFeatureType featureType, java.util.Map<MappedPropertyType,java.util.Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap, java.util.Map<MappingField,java.lang.Integer> mappingFieldsMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row.

Uses of FeatureId in

Fields in with type parameters of type FeatureId
protected  java.util.Map<FeatureId,Feature> FeatureFetcher.featureMap
protected  java.util.Set<FeatureId> FeatureFetcher.featuresInGeneration
protected  java.util.Map<FeatureId,java.util.List<FeatureProperty>> FeatureFetcher.fidToPropertyMap

Methods in that return FeatureId
protected  FeatureId FeatureFetcher.extractFeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<SimpleContent,java.lang.Integer> mfMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts the feature id from the values of a result set row.
protected  FeatureId AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureId(java.sql.ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the FeatureId in the current row of the given ResultSet.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedAndModifiableFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter and that are either not locked or locked by the specified lockId.
 java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
(package private)  java.util.Set<FeatureId> LockHandler.determineFidsToLock()
          Determines all FeatureIds that have to be locked.
 java.util.Set<FeatureId> AbstractSQLDatastore.determineFidsToLock(java.util.List<Lock> requestParts)
 java.util.Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,java.util.List<FeatureId>> AbstractRequestHandler.determineSubFeatures(FeatureId fid)
          Determines all complex properties and contained subfeature ids for a certain feature.
 java.util.Set<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineSuperFeatures(FeatureId fid)
          Determines all super features (as FeatureId instances) for a certain feature.
protected  java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIds(java.sql.ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds.
protected  java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIdsForceUnique(java.sql.ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds.

Methods in with parameters of type FeatureId
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendFeatureIdConstraint(StatementBuffer query, FeatureId fid)
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendFeatureIdConstraint(StatementBuffer query, FeatureId fid, java.lang.String tableAlias)
 java.util.Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,java.util.List<FeatureId>> AbstractRequestHandler.determineSubFeatures(FeatureId fid)
          Determines all complex properties and contained subfeature ids for a certain feature.
 java.util.Set<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineSuperFeatures(FeatureId fid)
          Determines all super features (as FeatureId instances) for a certain feature.
protected  Feature FeatureFetcher.extractFeature(FeatureId fid, java.util.Map<MappedPropertyType,java.util.Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap, java.util.Map<SimpleContent,java.lang.Integer> resultPosMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row.

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.List<FeatureId> GenericSQLTransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return FeatureId
 FeatureId DBMaxIdGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.
 FeatureId DBSeqIdGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.List<FeatureId> SQLTransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore.

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return FeatureId
(package private)  FeatureId FeatureNode.getFid()
          Returns the associated FeatureId.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.Set<FeatureId> FeatureGraph.getAllFids()
          Returns the FeatureIds of all features contained in the graph.
(package private)  java.util.Set<FeatureId> FeatureNode.getSubFeatureIds()
          Returns the ids of all subfeatures of the represented feature.
(package private)  java.util.List<FeatureId> FeatureNode.getSubFeatureIds(MappedFeaturePropertyType pt)
          Returns the ids of all subfeatures stored in the specified property of the represented feature.
(package private)  java.util.Set<FeatureId> FeatureNode.getSuperFeatureIds()
          Returns the ids of all superfeatures of the represented feature (features that contain the represented feature as a subfeature).

Methods in with parameters of type FeatureId
(package private)  TableNode DeleteHandler.determineJTNode(FeatureId fid, FeatureId subFid, TableRelation relation1, TableRelation relation2)
          Determines the row in the join table that connects a certain feature with a subfeature.
(package private)  java.util.List<TableNode> DeleteHandler.determinePropNodes(FeatureId fid, TableRelation relation)
          Determines the TableNode that represent the simple/geometry properties in the property table attached by the given TableRelation.
(package private)  TableNode TableGraph.findNode(FeatureId fid)
          Returns the TableNode that represents the specified feature instance.
(package private)  FeatureNode FeatureGraph.getNode(FeatureId fid)
          Returns the FeatureNode that represents the feature with the given FeatureId.

Constructors in with parameters of type FeatureId
FeatureNode(FeatureGraph graph, FeatureId fid, java.util.Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,java.util.List<FeatureId>> subFeatureProperties, java.util.Set<FeatureId> superFeatures)
          Creates a new FeatureNode instance that represents the feature with the given FeatureId.
TableNode(FeatureId fid)
          Creates a new DeleteNode instance for a feature instance.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type FeatureId
FeatureGraph(java.util.List<FeatureId> rootFids, DeleteHandler handler)
          Creates a new FeatureGraph instance for the given root FeatureIds and the specified DeleteHandler.
FeatureGraph(java.util.Set<FeatureId> rootFids, LockHandler handler)
          Creates a new FeatureGraph instance for the given root FeatureIds and the specified LockHandler.
FeatureNode(FeatureGraph graph, FeatureId fid, java.util.Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,java.util.List<FeatureId>> subFeatureProperties, java.util.Set<FeatureId> superFeatures)
          Creates a new FeatureNode instance that represents the feature with the given FeatureId.
FeatureNode(FeatureGraph graph, FeatureId fid, java.util.Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,java.util.List<FeatureId>> subFeatureProperties, java.util.Set<FeatureId> superFeatures)
          Creates a new FeatureNode instance that represents the feature with the given FeatureId.

Uses of FeatureId in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.List<FeatureId> InsertHandler.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instance into the datastore.

Uses of FeatureId in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction that return types with arguments of type FeatureId
 java.util.List<FeatureId> InsertResults.getFeatureIDs()
          Returns the feature ids of the features that have been inserted for the corresponding insert operation.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction with type arguments of type FeatureId
InsertResults(java.lang.String handle, java.util.List<FeatureId> featureIDs)
          Creates a new InsertResults instance.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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