deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use SHPEnvelope   

Uses of SHPEnvelope in

Fields in declared as SHPEnvelope
protected  SHPEnvelope SHPGeometry.envelope

Methods in that return SHPEnvelope
 SHPEnvelope SHPGeometry.getEnvelope()
          returns the minimum boundary rectangle of the geomertry
 SHPEnvelope IndexFile.getFileMBR()
          method: getFileMBR()
returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the shape-file
 SHPEnvelope FileHeader.getFileMBR()
          method: getFileMBR();
Returns the bounding box of this shape file.
 SHPEnvelope MainFile.getFileMBR()
          method: getFileMBR()
returns the minimum bounding rectangle of geometries
within the shape-file
 SHPEnvelope MainFile.getRecordMBR(int RecNo)
          method: getRecordMBR(int RecNo)
returns the minimum bound rectangle of RecNo's Geometrie of the shape-file
static SHPEnvelope ShapeUtils.readBox(byte[] b, int off)
          method: readBox(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a bounding box record.

Methods in with parameters of type SHPEnvelope
 void IndexFile.appendRecord(IndexRecord record, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          appends an index record to the indexfile
 void MainFile.write(byte[] bytearray, IndexRecord record, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: public void write(byte[] bytearray)
appends a bytearray to the shape file
static int ShapeUtils.writeBox(byte[] b, int off, SHPEnvelope box)
          method: writeBox(byte[] b, int off, ESRIBoundingBox box)
Writes the given bounding box to the given buffer at the given location.
 void MainFile.writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: public void writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
writes a header to the shape and index file
 void FileHeader.writeHeader(int filelength, int shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype,SHPEnvelope mbr)
Writes a header into the shape file.
 void IndexFile.writeHeader(int shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype,SHPEnvelope mbr)
Writes a header into the index file.

Constructors in with parameters of type SHPEnvelope
SHPEnvelope(SHPEnvelope env)
          create from an existing SHPEnvelope

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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