deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use File

Uses of File in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid

Methods in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid that return File
 File[] DatabaseIndexAccess.getFiles(DatabaseIndexedGCMetadata dbigcmd, Envelope envelope, CoordinateSystem crs)

Constructors in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid with parameters of type File
CompoundGridCoverageReader(File[] source, CoverageOffering description, Envelope envelope, Format format)
GeoTIFFGridCoverageReader(File source, CoverageOffering description, Envelope envelope, Format format)
ImageGridCoverageReader(File source, CoverageOffering description, Envelope envelope, Format format)
RawDataReader(File source, CoverageOffering description, Format format)

Uses of File in

Methods in that return File
 File[] OracleDatabaseIndexAccess.getFiles(DatabaseIndexedGCMetadata dbigcmd, Envelope envelope, CoordinateSystem crs)

Uses of File in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid.postgres

Methods in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid.postgres that return File
 File[] PGDatabaseIndexAccess.getFiles(DatabaseIndexedGCMetadata dbigcmd, Envelope envelope, CoordinateSystem crs)

Uses of File in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration

Subclasses of File in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration
 class GridFile
          Describes a grid coverage (access) available through one file

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration that return File
 File[] FileResolution.getFiles()
          returns all file description contained in the Resolution

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration with parameters of type File
 void FileResolution.addFile(File file)
          adds a files descrition to the Resolution
 void FileResolution.removeFile(File file)
          removes a files descrition from the Resolution
 void FileResolution.setFiles(File[] files)
          sets all file description contained in the Resolution

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration with parameters of type File
FileResolution(double minScale, double maxScale, Range[] range, File[] files)

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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