deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official | |||||||||
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.commons.dataaccess.shape |
Methods in org.deegree.commons.dataaccess.shape that return Pair | |
Pair<ArrayList<Pair<Envelope,Long>>,Boolean> |
He Who Needs It As Double, is welcome to implement/copy it. |
Methods in org.deegree.commons.dataaccess.shape that return types with arguments of type Pair | |
LinkedList<Pair<Integer,Geometry>> |
SHPReader.query(Envelope bbox,
boolean withGeometry,
boolean exact)
Pair<ArrayList<Pair<Envelope,Long>>,Boolean> |
He Who Needs It As Double, is welcome to implement/copy it. |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.commons.index |
Method parameters in org.deegree.commons.index with type arguments of type Pair | |
void |
QTree.insertBulk(List<Pair<Envelope,T>> listOfObjects)
abstract void |
SpatialIndex.insertBulk(List<Pair<Envelope,T>> listOfObjects)
Create the spatial index from the given list of envelope, objects tuples. |
void |
RTree.insertBulk(List<Pair<Envelope,T>> listOfObjects)
Builds the index from the given objects with their envelope. |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.commons.types |
Methods in org.deegree.commons.types that return Pair | |
static Pair<Object,Integer> |
SQLValueMangler.sqlToInternal(Object o,
PrimitiveType pt)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.commons.utils |
Subclasses of Pair in org.deegree.commons.utils | |
class |
DoublePair |
class |
StringPair is a convenience class, which pairs two Strings. |
Methods in org.deegree.commons.utils that return Pair | ||
CollectionUtils.unzip(Collection<Pair<T,U>> col)
Method parameters in org.deegree.commons.utils with type arguments of type Pair | ||
CollectionUtils.unzip(Collection<Pair<T,U>> col)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.crs.configuration.gml |
Methods in org.deegree.crs.configuration.gml that return Pair | |
protected Pair<CRSIdentifiable,Pair<Unit,Double>> |
GMLCRSProvider.parseParameterValue(org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement rootElement)
Methods in org.deegree.crs.configuration.gml that return types with arguments of type Pair | |
protected Pair<CRSIdentifiable,Pair<Unit,Double>> |
GMLCRSProvider.parseParameterValue(org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement rootElement)
protected List<Pair<CRSIdentifiable,Pair<Unit,Double>>> |
GMLCRSProvider.parseParameterValues(org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement rootElement)
protected List<Pair<CRSIdentifiable,Pair<Unit,Double>>> |
GMLCRSProvider.parseParameterValues(org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement rootElement)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql |
Constructor parameters in org.deegree.feature.persistence.simplesql with type arguments of type Pair | |
SimpleSQLDatastore(String connId,
String crs,
String sql,
String featureName,
String namespace,
String bbox,
List<Pair<Integer,String>> lods)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.filter.comparison |
Methods in org.deegree.filter.comparison that return Pair | |
protected Pair<Object,Object> |
ComparisonOperator.makeComparable(Object value1,
Object value2)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.geometry.primitive |
Methods in org.deegree.geometry.primitive that return Pair | |
Pair<Point,Point> |
The boundary of a curve is the set of points at either end of the curve. |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.geometry.standard |
Subclasses of Pair in org.deegree.geometry.standard | |
class |
Stores a pair of JTS geometries. |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite |
Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.composite that return Pair | |
Pair<Point,Point> |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive |
Methods in org.deegree.geometry.standard.primitive that return Pair | |
Pair<Point,Point> |
Pair<Point,Point> |
Pair<Point,Point> |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.gml.feature |
Methods in org.deegree.gml.feature that return Pair | |
static Pair<StandardGMLFeatureProps,List<Property<?>>> |
StandardGMLFeatureProps.create(List<Property<?>> props,
GMLVersion version)
Creates a StandardGMLFeatureProps instances from the given list of Property objects and returns
the remaining properties that are not GML default properties. |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.gml.geometry.refs |
Methods in org.deegree.gml.geometry.refs that return Pair | |
Pair<Point,Point> |
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.protocol.sos.getobservation |
Methods in org.deegree.protocol.sos.getobservation that return Pair | |
Pair<List<String>,SpatialFilter> |
Constructors in org.deegree.protocol.sos.getobservation with parameters of type Pair | |
GetObservation(String offering,
List<ProcedureFilter> procedures,
List<PropertyFilter> properties,
List<TimeFilter> eventtime,
Pair<List<String>,SpatialFilter> featureOfInterest,
List<ResultFilter> resultFilter,
String resultModel,
String responseFormat,
String responseMode,
String srsName)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client |
Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wms.client that return Pair | |
Pair<BufferedImage,String> |
WMSClient111.getMap(List<String> layers,
int width,
int height,
Envelope bbox,
CRS srs,
String format,
boolean transparent,
boolean errorsInImage,
int timeout,
boolean validate,
List<String> validationErrors)
Pair<SimpleRaster,String> |
WMSClient111.getMapAsSimpleRaster(List<String> layers,
int width,
int height,
Envelope bbox,
CRS srs,
String format,
boolean transparent,
boolean errorsInImage,
int timeout,
boolean validate,
List<String> validationErrors)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.protocol.wpvs.client |
Methods in org.deegree.protocol.wpvs.client that return Pair | |
Pair<BufferedImage,String> |
WPVSClient.getView(URL url)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.se.parser |
Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.se.parser that return Pair | |
static Pair<Symbolizer<?>,Continuation<StringBuffer>> |
SymbologyParser.parseSymbolizer(XMLStreamReader in)
static Pair<Symbolizer<TextStyling>,Continuation<StringBuffer>> |
SymbologyParser.parseTextSymbolizer(XMLStreamReader in,
UOM uom)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.se.unevaluated |
Methods in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.se.unevaluated that return Pair | |
Pair<T,Geometry> |
Symbolizer.evaluate(Feature f)
Constructor parameters in org.deegree.rendering.r2d.se.unevaluated with type arguments of type Pair | |
Style(Collection<Pair<Continuation<LinkedList<Symbolizer<?>>>,DoublePair>> rules,
Map<Symbolizer<TextStyling>,Continuation<StringBuffer>> labels,
String name,
QName featureTypeName)
Uses of Pair in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.manager |
Constructor parameters in org.deegree.rendering.r3d.opengl.rendering.model.manager with type arguments of type Pair | |
LODSwitcher(List<Pair<Double,Double>> levels)
Create a new level |
deegree-core-3.0-pre-nightly (2010/03/05 00:01) - official | |||||||||