deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore |
Subclasses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore | |
class |
MissingLockIdException |
class |
Indicates that a PropertyPath cannot be resolved against a MappedFeatureType . |
class |
Indicates that an error occured so the transaction could not be performed. |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore that throw DatastoreException | |
Lock |
LockManager.acquireLock(LockFeature request,
java.util.List<FeatureId> fidsToLock)
Acquires a lock for the given LockFeature request. |
DatastoreTransaction |
Acquires transactional access to the datastore instance. |
void |
Datastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
Adds the given GML application schema to the set of schemas that are handled by this datastore instance. |
abstract void |
Closes the datastore so it can free dependent resources. |
void |
Makes the changes persistent that have been performed in this transaction. |
void |
Datastore.configure(DatastoreConfiguration config)
Configures the datastore with the supplied configuration. |
static void |
DatastoreRegistry.deregisterDatastore(DatastoreConfiguration config)
Returns the Datastore instance that serves the given DatastoreConfiguration
from the registry. |
java.util.Set<FeatureId> |
Datastore.determineFidsToLock(java.util.List<Lock> requestParts)
Determines the ids of all features to be locked by the given parts of a LockFeature
request, this includes all descendant and super features of the targeted features as well. |
static void |
LockManager.initialize(java.io.File workingDir)
Initializes the LockManager . |
int |
DatastoreTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type. |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
DatastoreTransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore. |
int |
DatastoreTransaction.performNative(Native operation)
Performs a native operation against the datastore. |
abstract FeatureCollection |
Datastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
Performs a query against the datastore. |
abstract FeatureCollection |
Datastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
DatastoreTransaction context)
Performs a query against the datastore (in the given transaction context). |
int |
DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Feature replacementFeature,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs a replace-update operation against the datastore. |
int |
DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs an update operation against the datastore. |
static void |
DatastoreRegistry.registerDatastore(Datastore ds)
Registers a new Datastore instance. |
void |
Releases the transaction instance so other clients may acquire a transaction (and underlying resources, such as JDBCConnections can be cleaned up). |
void |
LockManager.releaseLock(java.lang.String lockId)
Releases the specified lock completely (all associated features are unlocked) and removes it (also from the temporary directory). |
void |
LockManager.releaseLockPartly(java.lang.String lockId,
java.util.Set<FeatureId> unlockFids)
Releases the specified lock partly (all specified features are unlocked). |
void |
Datastore.releaseTransaction(DatastoreTransaction ta)
Returns the transaction to the datastore. |
void |
Aborts the changes that have been performed in this transaction. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.cached |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.cached that throw DatastoreException | |
void |
CachedWFSDatastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
void |
FeatureCollection |
CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
FeatureCollection |
CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
DatastoreTransaction context)
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.idgenerator |
Subclasses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.idgenerator | |
class |
Marks that the generation of an id failed. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.schema |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.schema that throw DatastoreException | |
DatastoreTransaction |
Retrieves a transaction object for this feature type. |
FeatureCollection |
MappedFeatureType.performQuery(Query query)
Performs the given Query . |
FeatureCollection |
MappedFeatureType.performQuery(Query query,
DatastoreTransaction context)
Performs the given Query inside the given transaction context. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sde |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sde that throw DatastoreException | |
protected SDEConnection |
Returns the database connection requested for. |
DatastoreTransaction |
void |
Starts a new transaction. |
void |
SDEDatastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
protected com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeFilter[] |
SDEWhereBuilder.buildSpatialFilter(ComplexFilter filter,
java.util.List<com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeLayer> layers)
Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object. |
void |
void |
Makes the changes persistent that have been performed in this transaction. |
void |
SDEDatastore.configure(DatastoreConfiguration config)
Geometry |
SDEDatastore.convertDBToDegreeGeometry(java.lang.Object value,
CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Converts a database specific geometry Object from the ResultSet to a deegree
Geometry . |
java.lang.Object |
SDEDatastore.convertDegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry)
Converts a deegree Geometry to a database specific geometry Object . |
FeatureId[] |
AbstractSDERequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft,
Filter filter)
Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter. |
protected Feature |
SDEQueryHandler.extractFeature(FeatureId fid,
MappedFeatureType featureType,
java.util.Map<MappedPropertyType,java.util.Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap,
java.util.Map<MappingField,java.lang.Integer> mappingFieldsMap,
java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row. |
SDEWhereBuilder |
SDEDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for SDE. |
(package private) int |
SDEDeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Filter filter)
Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type. |
int |
SDETransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type. |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
SDEInsertHandler.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
Inserts the given feature instance into the datastore. |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
SDETransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore. |
int |
SDETransaction.performNative(Native operation)
Performs a 'native' operation against the datastore. |
FeatureCollection |
Performs the associated Query against the datastore. |
FeatureCollection |
SDEDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
FeatureCollection |
SDEDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
DatastoreTransaction context)
int |
SDETransaction.performReplace(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Feature replacementFeature,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs a replace operation against the datastore. |
int |
SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Feature replacementFeature,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs an update operation against the datastore. |
int |
SDEUpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft,
java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> properties,
Filter filter)
Performs an update operation against the associated datastore. |
int |
SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs an update operation against the datastore. |
void |
Returns the transaction instance so other clients may acquire a transaction (and underlying resources, such as JDBCConnections can be freed). |
protected void |
SDEDatastore.releaseConnection(SDEConnection conn)
Releases the connection. |
void |
SDEDatastore.releaseTransaction(DatastoreTransaction ta)
protected void |
void |
Aborts the changes that have been performed in this transaction. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sde that throw DatastoreException | |
SDEQueryHandler(SDEDatastore datastore,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
SDEConnection conn,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
Query query)
Creates a new instance of SDEQueryHandler from the given parameters. |
SDEWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
Creates a new instance of SDEWhereBuilder for the given parameters. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.shape |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.shape that throw DatastoreException | |
void |
ShapeDatastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
void |
Closes the datastore so it can free dependent resources. |
FeatureCollection |
ShapeDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
FeatureCollection |
ShapeDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
DatastoreTransaction context)
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql that throw DatastoreException | |
protected java.sql.Connection |
Returns the database connection requested for. |
DatastoreTransaction |
Acquires transactional access to the datastore. |
protected StatementBuffer |
QueryHandler.buildInitialSelect(SelectManager selectManager)
Builds the initial SELECT statement. |
SQLFunctionCall |
AbstractSQLDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(MappedGeometryPropertyType geoProperty,
java.lang.String targetSRS)
Returns an SQLFunctionCall that refers to the given MappedGeometryPropertyType in the specified
target SRS using a database specific SQL function. |
java.lang.String |
AbstractSQLDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(java.lang.String geomIdentifier,
int nativeSRSCode)
Builds an SQL fragment that converts the given geometry to the specified SRS. |
(package private) java.lang.String |
AbstractSQLDatastore.checkTransformation(MappedGeometryPropertyType pt,
java.lang.String queriedSrs)
Checks whether the (native) coordinate transformation of the specified geometry property to the given SRS is possible (and necessary), i.e. |
void |
void |
AbstractSQLDatastore.configure(DatastoreConfiguration datastoreConfiguration)
abstract java.lang.Object |
AbstractSQLDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry,
int nativeSRSCode,
java.sql.Connection conn)
Converts a deegree Geometry to a database specific geometry Object . |
java.lang.Object |
AbstractSQLDatastore.convertFromDBType(java.lang.Object rsObject,
int sqlTypeCode)
Converts the given object from a java.sql.ResultSet column to the common type to be used as a
feature property. |
protected SQLTransaction |
Creates a new SQLTransaction that provides transactional access. |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedAndModifiableFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter and that are either not locked or locked by the specified lockId. |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft,
Filter filter)
Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter. |
protected java.util.List<java.util.List<SimpleContent>> |
FeatureFetcher.determineFetchContents(MappedFeatureType ft,
PropertyType[] requestedProps)
Determines the columns / functions that have to be fetched from the table of the given MappedFeatureType
and associates identical columns / functions to avoid that the same column / function is SELECTed more than once. |
(package private) java.util.Set<FeatureId> |
Determines all FeatureId s that have to be locked. |
java.util.Set<FeatureId> |
AbstractSQLDatastore.determineFidsToLock(java.util.List<Lock> requestParts)
java.util.Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,java.util.List<FeatureId>> |
AbstractRequestHandler.determineSubFeatures(FeatureId fid)
Determines all complex properties and contained subfeature ids for a certain feature. |
java.util.Set<FeatureId> |
AbstractRequestHandler.determineSuperFeatures(FeatureId fid)
Determines all super features (as FeatureId instances) for a certain feature. |
protected Feature |
FeatureFetcher.extractFeature(FeatureId fid,
java.util.Map<MappedPropertyType,java.util.Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap,
java.util.Map<SimpleContent,java.lang.Integer> resultPosMap,
java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row. |
protected FeatureId |
FeatureFetcher.extractFeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft,
java.util.Map<SimpleContent,java.lang.Integer> mfMap,
java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
Extracts the feature id from the values of a result set row. |
protected FeatureId |
AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureId(java.sql.ResultSet rs,
MappedFeatureType ft)
Extracts the FeatureId in the current row of the given ResultSet . |
protected java.util.List<FeatureId> |
AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIds(java.sql.ResultSet rs,
MappedFeatureType ft)
Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds. |
protected java.util.List<FeatureId> |
AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIdsForceUnique(java.sql.ResultSet rs,
MappedFeatureType ft)
Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds. |
int |
AbstractSQLDatastore.getNativeSRSCode(java.lang.String srsName)
Returns the database specific code for the given SRS name. |
java.lang.Object |
AbstractSQLDatastore.getSequenceCurrValPlusOffset(java.sql.Connection conn,
java.lang.String sequence,
int offset)
Overwrite this to enable the datastore to fetch the current value (plus an offset) of a SQL sequence. |
java.lang.Object |
AbstractSQLDatastore.getSequenceNextVal(java.sql.Connection conn,
java.lang.String sequence)
Overwrite this to enable the datastore to fetch the next value of a SQL sequence. |
WhereBuilder |
AbstractSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Overwrite this to return a database specific (spatial capable) WhereBuilder implementation. |
FeatureCollection |
Performs the associated Query against the datastore. |
FeatureCollection |
AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
protected FeatureCollection |
AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.sql.Connection conn)
Performs a Query against the datastore. |
FeatureCollection |
AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
DatastoreTransaction context)
java.sql.PreparedStatement |
AbstractSQLDatastore.prepareStatement(java.sql.Connection conn,
StatementBuffer statementBuffer)
Converts the StatementBuffer into a PreparedStatement , which is initialized and ready
to be performed. |
void |
AbstractSQLDatastore.releaseConnection(java.sql.Connection conn)
Releases the connection. |
void |
AbstractSQLDatastore.releaseTransaction(DatastoreTransaction ta)
Returns the transaction to the datastore. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql that throw DatastoreException | |
FeatureFetcher(AbstractSQLDatastore datastore,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
java.sql.Connection conn,
Query query)
QueryHandler(AbstractSQLDatastore ds,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
java.sql.Connection conn,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
Query query)
Creates a new instance of QueryHandler from the given parameters. |
SelectManager(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
FeatureFetcher fetcher)
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.generic |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.generic that throw DatastoreException | |
protected void |
GenericSQLWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
SpatialOperation operation)
Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object. |
java.lang.Object |
GenericSQLDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry,
int nativeSRSCode,
java.sql.Connection conn)
protected GenericSQLTransaction |
WhereBuilder |
GenericSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
int |
GenericSQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
GenericSQLTransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
protected FeatureCollection |
GenericSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.sql.Connection conn)
int |
GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Feature replacementFeature,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
int |
GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.generic that throw DatastoreException | |
GenericSQLTransaction(AbstractSQLDatastore ds,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
java.sql.Connection conn)
GenericSQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider,
JDBCConnection jdbc)
Creates a new instance of GenericSQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.mysql |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.mysql that throw DatastoreException | |
protected void |
MySQLWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
SpatialOperation operation)
Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object. |
byte[] |
MySQLDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry,
int targetSRS,
java.sql.Connection conn)
Converts a deegree Geometry to a MySQL specific geometry object (a byte[] containing WKB). |
MySQLWhereBuilder |
MySQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for MySQL. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.mysql that throw DatastoreException | |
MySQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Creates a new instance of MySQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.oracle |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.oracle that throw DatastoreException | |
protected java.sql.Connection |
Returns the database connection requested for. |
protected void |
OracleSpatialWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
SpatialOperation operation)
Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object. |
SQLFunctionCall |
OracleDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(MappedGeometryPropertyType geoProperty,
java.lang.String targetSRS)
Returns an SQLFunctionCall that refers to the given MappingGeometryField in the specified target
SRS using a database specific SQL function. |
java.lang.String |
OracleDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(java.lang.String geomIdentifier,
int nativeSRSCode)
oracle.sql.STRUCT |
OracleDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry,
int nativeSRSCode,
java.sql.Connection conn)
Converts a deegree Geometry to an Oracle specific geometry object. |
java.lang.Object |
OracleDatastore.convertFromDBType(java.lang.Object rsObject,
int sqlTypeCode)
Converts the given object from a java.sql.ResultSet column to the common type to be used as a
feature property. |
java.lang.Object |
OracleDatastore.getSequenceCurrValPlusOffset(java.sql.Connection conn,
java.lang.String sequence,
int offset)
Returns the current value (plus an offset) of the given SQL sequence. |
java.lang.Object |
OracleDatastore.getSequenceNextVal(java.sql.Connection conn,
java.lang.String sequence)
Returns the next value of the given SQL sequence. |
WhereBuilder |
OracleDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for Oracle Spatial. |
void |
OracleDatastore.releaseConnection(java.sql.Connection conn)
Releases the connection. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.oracle that throw DatastoreException | |
OracleSpatialWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Creates a new instance of OracleSpatialWhereBuilder from the given parameters. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.postgis |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.postgis that throw DatastoreException | |
protected java.sql.Connection |
protected void |
PostGISWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
SpatialOperation operation)
Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object. |
SQLFunctionCall |
PostGISDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(MappedGeometryPropertyType geoProperty,
java.lang.String targetSRS)
Returns an SQLFunctionCall that refers to the given MappingGeometryField in the specified target
SRS using a database specific SQL function. |
java.lang.String |
PostGISDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(java.lang.String geomIdentifier,
int nativeSRSCode)
org.postgis.PGgeometry |
PostGISDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry,
int targetSRS,
java.sql.Connection conn)
Converts a deegree Geometry to a PostGIS specific geometry object. |
java.lang.Object |
PostGISDatastore.getSequenceNextVal(java.sql.Connection conn,
java.lang.String sequence)
Returns the next value of the given SQL sequence. |
PostGISWhereBuilder |
PostGISDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for PostGIS. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.postgis that throw DatastoreException | |
PostGISWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Creates a new instance of PostGISWhereBuilder from the given parameters. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction that throw DatastoreException | |
void |
Makes the changes persistent that have been performed in this transaction. |
int |
SQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type. |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
SQLTransaction.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore. |
int |
SQLTransaction.performNative(Native operation)
Performs a 'native' operation against the datastore. |
int |
UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Feature replacementFeature,
Filter filter)
Performs an update operation (replace-style) against the associated datastore. |
int |
SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
Feature replacementFeature,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs a update (replace-style) operation against the datastore. |
int |
UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft,
java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps,
Filter filter)
Performs an update operation against the associated datastore. |
int |
SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType,
java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps,
Filter filter,
java.lang.String lockId)
Performs an update operation against the datastore. |
void |
Returns the transaction instance so other clients may acquire a transaction (and underlying resources, such as JDBCConnections can be freed). |
void |
Aborts the changes that have been performed in this transaction. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction that throw DatastoreException | |
SQLTransaction(AbstractSQLDatastore datastore,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
java.sql.Connection conn)
Creates a new instance of SQLTransaction from the given parameters. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction.delete |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction.delete that throw DatastoreException | |
void |
DeleteHandler.deleteOrphanedPropertyRows(TableRelation relation,
java.lang.Object[] keyValues)
Delete orphaned rows in the specified property table (target table of the given TableRelation ). |
(package private) TableNode |
DeleteHandler.determineJTNode(FeatureId fid,
FeatureId subFid,
TableRelation relation1,
TableRelation relation2)
Determines the row in the join table that connects a certain feature with a subfeature. |
(package private) java.util.List<TableNode> |
DeleteHandler.determinePropNodes(FeatureId fid,
TableRelation relation)
Determines the TableNode that represent the simple/geometry properties in the property table attached by
the given TableRelation . |
int |
DeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType ft,
Filter filter)
Deletes the features from the Datastore that have a certain type and are matched by the given filter. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction.delete that throw DatastoreException | |
FeatureGraph(java.util.List<FeatureId> rootFids,
DeleteHandler handler)
Creates a new FeatureGraph instance for the given root FeatureId s and the specified
DeleteHandler . |
FeatureGraph(java.util.Set<FeatureId> rootFids,
LockHandler handler)
Creates a new FeatureGraph instance for the given root FeatureId s and the specified
LockHandler . |
TableGraph(FeatureGraph featureGraph,
DeleteHandler handler)
Creates a new DeleteGraph instance from the given FeatureGraph . |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction.insert |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.transaction.insert that throw DatastoreException | |
java.util.List<FeatureId> |
InsertHandler.performInsert(java.util.List<Feature> features)
Inserts the given feature instance into the datastore. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.wherebuilder |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.wherebuilder that throw DatastoreException | |
protected void |
WhereBuilder.appendComplexFilterAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
ComplexFilter filter)
Appends an SQL fragment for the given object. |
protected void |
WhereBuilder.appendFeatureFilterAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
FeatureFilter filter)
Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement. |
protected void |
WhereBuilder.appendLogicalOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
LogicalOperation operation)
Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement. |
protected void |
WhereBuilder.appendOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
Operation operation)
Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement. |
void |
WhereBuilder.appendOrderByCondition(StatementBuffer query)
Appends an SQL "ORDER BY"-condition that corresponds to the sort properties of the query to the given SQL statement. |
protected void |
WhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query,
SpatialOperation operation)
Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement. |
void |
WhereBuilder.appendWhereCondition(StatementBuffer query)
Appends an SQL WHERE-condition corresponding to the Filter to the given SQL statement. |
Constructors in org.deegree.io.datastore.sql.wherebuilder that throw DatastoreException | |
WhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
java.lang.String[] aliases,
Filter filter,
SortProperty[] sortProperties,
TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator,
VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
Creates a new WhereBuilder instance. |
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.io.datastore.wfs |
Methods in org.deegree.io.datastore.wfs that throw DatastoreException | |
void |
(package private) WFSCapabilities |
CascadingWFSDatastore.getWFSCapabilities(java.net.URL wfsBaseURL)
Returns the WFSCapabilities for the WFS that can be reached at the given URL . |
FeatureCollection |
CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
FeatureCollection |
CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query,
MappedFeatureType[] rootFts,
DatastoreTransaction context)
Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs |
Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs that throw DatastoreException | |
(package private) FeatureCollection |
Merges all "equal" feature (and subfeature) instances in the associated feature collection that do not have a feature id. |
deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
For more information visit: http://www.deegree.org