deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use MappedFeatureType   
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs Web Feature Service (OGC WFS Version 1.1.0). 

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in that return MappedFeatureType
 MappedFeatureType FeatureId.getFeatureType()
          Return the MappedFeatureType of the identified feature.
 MappedFeatureType Datastore.getFeatureType(QualifiedName ftName)
          Returns the feature type with the given name.

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
static java.util.Map<MappedPropertyType,java.util.Collection<PropertyPath>> PropertyPathResolver.determineFetchProperties(MappedFeatureType ft, java.lang.String alias, PropertyPath[] requestedPaths)
          Determines the properties of the given feature type that have to be fetched based on the requested property paths.
static PropertyPath[] PropertyPathResolver.determineSubPropertyPaths(MappedFeatureType featureType, java.util.Collection<PropertyPath> propertyPaths)
          Determines the sub property paths that are needed to fetch the given property paths for the also given property.
static PropertyPath PropertyPathResolver.normalizePropertyPath(MappedFeatureType ft, java.lang.String alias, PropertyPath path)
          Ensures that the requested property begins with a "feature type step" (this may also be an alias).
static java.util.List<PropertyPath>[] PropertyPathResolver.normalizePropertyPaths(MappedFeatureType[] fts, java.lang.String[] ftAliases, PropertyPath[] paths)
          Ensures that all requested properties begin with a feature type (or alias) step.
static PropertyPath[] PropertyPathResolver.normalizePropertyPaths(MappedFeatureType ft, java.lang.String alias, PropertyPath[] paths)
          Ensures that all requested properties begin with a feature type step or an alias.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
abstract  FeatureCollection Datastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
          Performs a query against the datastore.
abstract  FeatureCollection Datastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)
          Performs a query against the datastore (in the given transaction context).
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs a replace-update operation against the datastore.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
FeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Creates a new instance of FeatureId from the given parameters.
FeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, java.lang.String fid)
          Creates a new instance of FeatureId from the given parameters.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 FeatureCollection CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Fields in declared as MappedFeatureType
protected  MappedFeatureType IdGenerator.ft
          MappedFeatureType that this generator is bound to.

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 FeatureId ParentIDGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.
abstract  FeatureId IdGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.
 FeatureId UUIDGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in that return MappedFeatureType
protected  MappedFeatureType MappedGMLSchema.buildFeatureType(ElementDeclaration element)
          Builds a MappedFeatureType from the given element declaration.
 MappedFeatureType[] MappedFeatureType.getConcreteSubstitutions()
          Returns all non-abstract feature types that may be used as substitutions for this feature type.
 MappedFeatureType MappedFeatureTypeReference.getFeatureType()
          Returns the referenced MappedFeatureType.
 MappedFeatureType MappedGMLSchema.getFeatureType(QualifiedName qName)
          Looks up the FeatureType with the given QualifiedName.
 MappedFeatureType MappedGMLSchema.getFeatureType(java.lang.String localName)
          Looks up the FeatureType with the given name.
 MappedFeatureType[] MappedGMLSchema.getSubstitutions(FeatureType ft)
          Returns all non-abstract implementations of a given feature type that are defined in this schema.

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
(package private)  FeatureId MappedGMLId.generateFid(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Generates a new and unique feature identifier.
 void MappedFeatureTypeReference.resolve(MappedFeatureType featureType)
          Sets the referenced MappedFeatureType instance.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Fields in declared as MappedFeatureType
protected  MappedFeatureType SDEQueryHandler.rootFeatureType
          requested feature type
protected  MappedFeatureType SDEWhereBuilder.rootFeatureType
          the root feature type

Methods in that return MappedFeatureType
 MappedFeatureType SDEDatastore.getFeatureType(QualifiedName ftName)

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<MappingField>> AbstractSDERequestHandler.buildColumnsMap(MappedFeatureType featureType, PropertyType[] requestedProperties, boolean withIdFields)
          Builds a helper map that contains the column names of the feature type's table as keys.
protected  com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeQuery AbstractSDERequestHandler.buildInitialFIDSelect(MappedFeatureType rootFeatureType, SDEWhereBuilder whereBuilder)
          Builds the initial SELECT statement that retrieves the feature ids that are matched by the given WhereBuilder.
 FeatureId[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
protected  Feature SDEQueryHandler.extractFeature(FeatureId fid, MappedFeatureType featureType, java.util.Map<MappedPropertyType,java.util.Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap, java.util.Map<MappingField,java.lang.Integer> mappingFieldsMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row.
protected  FeatureId SDEQueryHandler.extractFeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<MappingField,java.lang.Integer> mappingFieldMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts the feature id from the values of a result set row.
 FeatureId[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.extractFeatureIds(com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeQuery stmt, MappedFeatureType ft)
protected  java.lang.String[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.getFeatureIdColumns(MappedFeatureType featureType)
          Appends the alias qualified columns that make up the feature id to the given query.
 SDEWhereBuilder SDEDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for SDE.
(package private)  int SDEDeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int SDETransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 FeatureCollection SDEDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection SDEDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)
 int SDETransaction.performReplace(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs a replace operation against the datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.
 int SDEUpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> properties, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
SDEQueryHandler(SDEDatastore datastore, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, SDEConnection conn, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Query query)
          Creates a new instance of SDEQueryHandler from the given parameters.
SDEWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Creates a new instance of SDEWhereBuilder for the given parameters.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 FeatureCollection ShapeDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection ShapeDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
protected  void AbstractRequestHandler.appendFeatureIdColumns(MappedFeatureType featureType, java.lang.String tableAlias, StatementBuffer query)
          Appends the alias qualified columns that make up the feature id to the given query.
 java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedAndModifiableFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter and that are either not locked or locked by the specified lockId.
 java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
protected  java.util.List<java.util.List<SimpleContent>> FeatureFetcher.determineFetchContents(MappedFeatureType ft, PropertyType[] requestedProps)
          Determines the columns / functions that have to be fetched from the table of the given MappedFeatureType and associates identical columns / functions to avoid that the same column / function is SELECTed more than once.
protected  FeatureId FeatureFetcher.extractFeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<SimpleContent,java.lang.Integer> mfMap, java.lang.Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts the feature id from the values of a result set row.
protected  FeatureId AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureId(java.sql.ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the FeatureId in the current row of the given ResultSet.
protected  java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIds(java.sql.ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds.
protected  java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIdsForceUnique(java.sql.ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds.
 WhereBuilder AbstractSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Overwrite this to return a database specific (spatial capable) WhereBuilder implementation.
 FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
protected  FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.sql.Connection conn)
          Performs a Query against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
QueryHandler(AbstractSQLDatastore ds, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, java.sql.Connection conn, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Query query)
          Creates a new instance of QueryHandler from the given parameters.
SelectManager(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, FeatureFetcher fetcher)

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 WhereBuilder GenericSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
protected  FeatureCollection GenericSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.sql.Connection conn)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
GenericSQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider, JDBCConnection jdbc)
          Creates a new instance of GenericSQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 FeatureId DBMaxIdGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.
 FeatureId DBSeqIdGenerator.getNewId(MappedFeatureType ft, DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns a new id for a feature of the given type.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 MySQLWhereBuilder MySQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for MySQL.

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
MySQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of MySQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 WhereBuilder OracleDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for Oracle Spatial.

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
OracleSpatialWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of OracleSpatialWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 PostGISWhereBuilder PostGISDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for PostGIS.

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
PostGISWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of PostGISWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 int SQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation (replace-style) against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs a update (replace-style) operation against the datastore.
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 int DeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Deletes the features from the Datastore that have a certain type and are matched by the given filter.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Fields in declared as MappedFeatureType
protected  MappedFeatureType[] WhereBuilder.rootFts
          Targeted feature types.

Methods in that return MappedFeatureType
 MappedFeatureType FeatureTypeNode.getFeatureType()
          Returns the associated MappedFeatureType.

Constructors in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
FeatureTypeNode(MappedFeatureType ft, java.lang.String ftAlias, java.lang.String tableAlias)
          Creates a new FeatureTypeNode from the given parameters.
QueryTableTree(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Creates a new instance of QueryTableTree.
WhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new WhereBuilder instance.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in

Methods in with parameters of type MappedFeatureType
 FeatureCollection CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of MappedFeatureType in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs that return MappedFeatureType
 MappedFeatureType WFService.getMappedFeatureType(QualifiedName name)
          Returns the MappedFeatureType with the given name.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs that return types with arguments of type MappedFeatureType
 java.util.Map<QualifiedName,MappedFeatureType> WFService.getMappedFeatureTypes()
          Returns a Map of the feature types that this WFS serves.

Uses of MappedFeatureType in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.configuration that return MappedFeatureType
 MappedFeatureType WFSConfiguration.getFeatureType(java.lang.String featureId)
          Returns the MappedFeatureType for the given feature id.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.configuration that return types with arguments of type MappedFeatureType
 java.util.Map<QualifiedName,MappedFeatureType> WFSConfiguration.getMappedFeatureTypes()
          Returns a Map of the feature types that this configuration defines.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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