deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseURL
org.deegree.ogcbase Provides common classes to deal with an OGC conform service instance. 

Uses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcbase

Subclasses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcbase
 class ImageURL

Uses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities

Subclasses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities
 class MetadataURL
          A WFS/WMS/WCS should use one or more elements to offer detailed, standardized metadata about the data underneath a particular layer.

Uses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities

Subclasses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities
 class AuthorityURL
          AuthorityURL encloses an element which states the URL of a document defining the meaning of the Identifier values.
 class DataURL
          A Map Server may use DataURL to offer more information about the data underneath a particular layer.
 class FeatureListURL
          A Map Server may use FeatureListURL to point to a list of the features represented in a Layer.
 class LegendURL
          A Map Server may use zero or more LegendURL elements to provide an image(s) of a legend relevant to each Style of a Layer.
 class LogoURL
          The LogoURL is part of the attribution that indicates the provider of a Layer or collection of Layers.
 class StyleSheetURL
          StyleSheeetURL provides symbology information foreach Style of a Layer.
 class StyleURL
          A Map Server may use StyleURL to offer more information about the data or symbology underlying a particular Style.

Uses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities

Subclasses of BaseURL in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities
 class DatasetReference
          This class represents a dataset reference object.
 class FeatureListReference
          This class represents a featurelist reference object.
 class MetaData
          This class represents a metadata object.
 class OWSCapabilities
          This class represents an owsCapabilities object.

Uses of BaseURL in org.deegree.portal.context

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context that return BaseURL
 BaseURL AuthentificationSettings.getAuthentificationURL()
 BaseURL Layer.getDataURL()
          This element contains a link to an online resource where data corresponding to the layer can be found.
 BaseURL General.getDescriptionURL()
 BaseURL Layer.getMetadataURL()
          This element contains a link to an online resource where descriptive metadata corresponding to the layer can be found.

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context with parameters of type BaseURL
protected static void XMLFactory.appendDescriptionURL(org.w3c.dom.Node toNode, BaseURL bURL)
          Appends the XML representation of a BaseURL, the DescriptionURL, to a Node using the namespace.
 void AuthentificationSettings.setAuthentificationURL(BaseURL authenticationURL)
 void Layer.setDataURL(BaseURL dataURL)
 void General.setDescriptionURL(BaseURL descriptionURL)
          A URL reference to a webpage which contains relevant information to the view.
 void Layer.setMetadataURL(BaseURL metadataURL)

Constructors in org.deegree.portal.context with parameters of type BaseURL
AuthentificationSettings(BaseURL authentificationURL)
General(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.awt.Rectangle window, CitedResponsibleParty contactInformation, Point[] boundingBox, BaseURL descriptionURL, ImageURL logoURL, java.lang.String[] keywords, GeneralExtension extension)
          Creates a new General object.
Layer(Server server, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] srs, BaseURL dataURL, BaseURL metadataURL, FormatList formatList, StyleList styleList, boolean queryable, boolean hidden, LayerExtension extension)
          Creates a new ContextLayer object.

Uses of BaseURL in

Methods in that return BaseURL
 BaseURL AuthentificationSettings.getAuthentificationURL()

Methods in with parameters of type BaseURL
 void AuthentificationSettings.setAuthentificationURL(BaseURL authentificationURL)

Constructors in with parameters of type BaseURL
AuthentificationSettings(BaseURL authentificationURL)

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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