deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Curve

Uses of Curve in org.deegree.framework.util

Methods in org.deegree.framework.util that return Curve
static Curve GeometryUtils.calcCircleCoordinates(Position center, double r, int nSeg, Position startPosition, Position endPosition, CoordinateSystem crs)
static Curve GeometryUtils.createCurveParallel(double distance, Curve curve)
static Curve GeometryUtils.invertOrder(Curve curve)

Methods in org.deegree.framework.util with parameters of type Curve
static Curve GeometryUtils.createCurveParallel(double distance, Curve curve)
static Curve GeometryUtils.invertOrder(Curve curve)

Uses of Curve in

Methods in with parameters of type Curve
static int[][] LabelFactory.calcScreenCoordinates(GeoTransform projection, Curve curve)
          Calculates the screen coordinates of the given Curve. physical screen coordinates
static java.util.ArrayList<Label> LabelFactory.createLabels(Curve curve, LabelDisplayElement element, java.awt.Graphics2D g, GeoTransform projection)
          Determines positions on the given Curve where a caption could be drawn.

Constructors in with parameters of type Curve
LineStringDisplayElement(Feature feature, Curve geometry)
          Creates a new LineStringDisplayElement object.
LineStringDisplayElement(Feature feature, Curve geometry, LineSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new LineStringDisplayElement object.

Uses of Curve in

Methods in with parameters of type Curve
(package private) static java.util.ArrayList<LabelChoice> LabelChoiceFactory.createLabelChoices(Curve curve, LabelDisplayElement element, java.awt.Graphics2D g, GeoTransform projection)
          Determines LabelChoices for the given Curve where a Label could be drawn.

Uses of Curve in

Methods in that return Curve
 Curve MIFGeometryParser.parseLine()
 Curve MIFGeometryParser.parsePLine()

Uses of Curve in

Methods in that return Curve
 Curve[] SHP2WKS.transformPolyLine(CoordinateSystem crs, SHPPolyLine shppolyline)
          method: Point[][] transformPolyLine(CS_CoordinateSystem srs,
SHPPolyLine shppolyline))
transforms a SHPPolyLine to a WKSGeometry
gets a polyline that should be transformed

Constructors in with parameters of type Curve
SHPPolyLine(Curve[] curve)
          constructor: recieves a matrix of Points
SHPPolyLine3D(Curve[] curve)

Uses of Curve in

Constructors in with parameters of type Curve
ShapePolyline(Curve c)
          Creates a new PolylineZ from deegree Curve.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Curve
ShapePolygon(java.util.List<Curve> curves)
          Creates a PolygonZ from deegree Curves.
ShapePolyline(java.util.List<Curve> cs)
          Creates a new PolylineZ from deegree Curves.

Uses of Curve in org.deegree.model.spatialschema

Classes in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that implement Curve
 class CurveImpl
          default implementation of

Methods in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that return Curve
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from a wkb.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(CurveSegment segment)
          creates a Curve from one curve segment.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(CurveSegment[] segments)
          creates a Curve from an array of curve segments.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(CurveSegment[] segments, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from an array of curve segments.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(double[] ord, int dim, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from an array of ordinates TODO: If resources are available, think about good programming style.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(java.util.List<CurveSegment> segments, CoordinateSystem crs)
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(Position[] positions, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from an array of Positions.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurveAsArc(double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY, int nSeg, double start, double end, CoordinateSystem crs)
 Curve[] MultiCurveImpl.getAllCurves()
          returns all Curves as array
 Curve[] MultiCurve.getAllCurves()
 Curve MultiCurveImpl.getCurveAt(int index)
          returns the Curve at the submitted index.
 Curve MultiCurve.getCurveAt(int index)
 Curve MultiCurveImpl.removeCurve(Curve curve)
          removes the submitted Curve from the aggregation
 Curve MultiCurve.removeCurve(Curve curve)
          removes the submitted Curve from the aggregation
 Curve MultiCurveImpl.removeCurveAt(int index)
          removes the Curve at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Curve MultiCurve.removeCurveAt(int index)
          removes the Curve at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
static Curve WKTAdapter.wrapCurve(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from a WKT.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapCurveAsCurve(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Curve created from the passed gml:Curve element.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapLinearRing(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:LinearRing element as a Curve.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapLineString(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns a Curve instance created from the passed gml:LineString element.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapRing(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:Ring element as a Curve.

Methods in org.deegree.model.spatialschema with parameters of type Curve
 void MultiCurveImpl.addCurve(Curve curve)
          adds a Curve to the aggregation
 void MultiCurve.addCurve(Curve curve)
          adds a Curve to the aggregation
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Curve curve1, Curve curve2)
          the operation is currently not supported.
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Curve curve, Point point)
          the operation is currently not supported.
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Surface surface, Curve curve)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve contains the submitted surface
static MultiCurve GeometryFactory.createMultiCurve(Curve[] curves)
          creates a MultiCurve from an array of Curves.
static MultiCurve GeometryFactory.createMultiCurve(Curve[] curves, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MultiCurve from an array of Curves.
static SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createSurfacePatch(Curve exteriorRing, Curve[] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
static SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createSurfacePatch(Curve exteriorRing, Curve[] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
 void MultiCurveImpl.insertCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          inserts a Curve in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiCurve.insertCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          inserts a Curve in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Curve curve1, Curve curve2)
          the operation returns true if the two submitted curves intersects
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Curve curve, Surface surface)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve intersects the submitted surface
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Point point, Curve curve)
          the operations returns true if the submitted point intersects the submitted curve
 boolean MultiCurveImpl.isMember(Curve curve)
          returns true if the submitted Curve is within the aggregation
 Curve MultiCurveImpl.removeCurve(Curve curve)
          removes the submitted Curve from the aggregation
 Curve MultiCurve.removeCurve(Curve curve)
          removes the submitted Curve from the aggregation
 void MultiCurveImpl.setCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          sets the submitted Curve at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiCurve.setCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          sets the submitted Curve at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.

Constructors in org.deegree.model.spatialschema with parameters of type Curve
MultiCurveImpl(Curve[] curve)
          Creates a new MultiCurveImpl object.
MultiCurveImpl(Curve[] curve, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new MultiCurveImpl object.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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