deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use GeometryException
org.deegree.ogcbase Provides common classes to deal with an OGC conform service instance. 

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.framework.util

Methods in org.deegree.framework.util that throw GeometryException
static Curve GeometryUtils.calcCircleCoordinates(Position center, double r, int nSeg, Position startPosition, Position endPosition, CoordinateSystem crs)
static Curve GeometryUtils.createCurveParallel(double distance, Curve curve)
static Geometry GeometryUtils.ensureClockwise(Geometry geom)
static Curve GeometryUtils.invertOrder(Curve curve)
static Surface GeometryUtils.invertOrder(Surface surface)

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.framework.xml

Methods in org.deegree.framework.xml that throw GeometryException
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getMaxAsArray(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          returns the minimum coordinate of the envelope of the geometry encoded by the passed node as a double array
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getMinAsArray(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          returns the minimum coordinate of the envelope of the geometry encoded by the passed node as a double array
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getPointX(org.w3c.dom.Node pointNode)
          Extracts the x value of a gml:Point element described by pointNode
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getPointY(org.w3c.dom.Node pointNode)
          Extracts the y value of a gml:Point element described by pointNode
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getXMax(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getXMin(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getYMax(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getYMin(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getZMax(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
static java.lang.String MinMaxExtractor.getZMin(org.w3c.dom.Node node)

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage BlurImage.renderUserRealm(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image, Envelope bbox, Geometry geom)
          Render the surface geometry the user is allowed to see.

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
static DisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o)
          Builds a DisplayElement using the given Feature or GridCoverage and the default Symbolizer.
static DisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o, Symbolizer symbolizer)
          Builds a DisplayElement using the given Feature or GridCoverage and Symbolizer.
static LineStringDisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildLineStringDisplayElement(Feature feature, Geometry geom, LineSymbolizer sym)
          Creates a LineStringDisplayElement using the given geometry and style information.
 DisplayElement[] DisplayElementFactory.createDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o, UserStyle[] styles)
 DisplayElement[] DisplayElementFactory.createDisplayElement(java.lang.Object o, UserStyle[] styles, GetMap request)
          Returns the display elements for a Feature or GridCoverage.
 Envelope ScaledFeature.getBoundedBy()

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
static oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry JGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, int srid)
          Converts a deegree Geometry instance to a corresponding Oracle JGeometry object.
static Geometry JGeometryAdapter.wrap(oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry jGeometry, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Converts an Oracle JGeometry instance to a corresponding deegree Geometry object.

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
static org.postgis.PGboxbase PGgeometryAdapter.export(Envelope envelope)
          Converts a deegree Envelope instance to a corresponding PostGIS PGboxbase object.
static org.postgis.PGgeometry PGgeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, int srid)
          Converts a deegree Geometry instance to a corresponding PostGIS PGgeometry object.
static Geometry PGgeometryAdapter.wrap(org.postgis.Geometry geometry, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Converts a PostGIS Geometry instance to a corresponding deegree Geometry object.
static Geometry PGgeometryAdapter.wrap(org.postgis.PGgeometry pgGeometry, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Converts a PostGIS PGGeometry instance to a corresponding deegree Geometry object.

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
static com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeShape SDEAdapter.export(Geometry geom, com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeCoordinateReference crs)
static Geometry SDEAdapter.wrap(com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeShape shape, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)

Uses of GeometryException in

Constructors in that throw GeometryException
ShapeFile(FeatureCollection fc, java.lang.String baseName)
          Creates shapefile datastructures from the feature collection.

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.model.feature

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature that throw GeometryException
 Envelope FeatureTupleCollection.getBoundedBy()
 Envelope DefaultFeatureCollection.getBoundedBy()
 Envelope AbstractFeature.getBoundedBy()
          Returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature.
 Envelope Feature.getBoundedBy()
          Returns the envelope / bounding box of the feature.

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.model.spatialschema

Methods in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that throw GeometryException
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Surface surface, Curve curve)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve contains the submitted surface
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from a wkb.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(CurveSegment segment)
          creates a Curve from one curve segment.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(CurveSegment[] segments)
          creates a Curve from an array of curve segments.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(CurveSegment[] segments, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from an array of curve segments.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(double[] ord, int dim, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from an array of ordinates TODO: If resources are available, think about good programming style.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(java.util.List<CurveSegment> segments, CoordinateSystem crs)
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurve(Position[] positions, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from an array of Positions.
static Curve GeometryFactory.createCurveAsArc(double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY, int nSeg, double start, double end, CoordinateSystem crs)
static CurveSegment GeometryFactory.createCurveSegment(java.util.List<Position> points, CoordinateSystem crs)
static CurveSegment GeometryFactory.createCurveSegment(Position[] points, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a CurveSegment from an array of points.
static MultiCurve GeometryFactory.createMultiCurve(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MultiCurve from a wkb.
static MultiGeometry GeometryFactory.createMultiGeometry(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a MultiGeometry from an array of Geometry objects.
static MultiPoint GeometryFactory.createMultiPoint(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MultiPoint from a wkb.
static MultiSurface GeometryFactory.createMultiSurface(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs, SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a MultiSurface from a wkb
static Point GeometryFactory.createPoint(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem srs)
          creates a Point from a wkb.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs, SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a Surface from a wkb.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(double[] exterior, double[][] interior, int dim, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a GM_Surface from the ordinates of the exterior ring and the the interior rings
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(Envelope bbox, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a Surface from a Envelope.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(Position[] exteriorRing, Position[][] interiorRings, SurfaceInterpolation si, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Surface composed of one SurfacePatch from array(s) of Position
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(SurfacePatch patch)
          creates a Surface from an array of SurfacePatch.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(SurfacePatch[] patches)
          creates a Surface from an array of SurfacePatch.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(SurfacePatch[] patches, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Surface from an array of SurfacePatch.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurfaceAsEllipse(double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY, int nSeg, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a surface in form of an ellipse.
static SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createSurfacePatch(Curve exteriorRing, Curve[] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
static SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createSurfacePatch(CurveSegment[] exteriorRing, CurveSegment[][] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
static SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createSurfacePatch(Position[] exteriorRing, Position[][] interiorRings, SurfaceInterpolation si, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a SurfacePatch from array(s) of Position
static java.lang.StringBuffer GMLGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry)
          Creates a GML representation from the passed Geometry.
static java.lang.StringBuffer WKTAdapter.export(Geometry geom)
static com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry JTSAdapter.export(Geometry gmObject)
          Converts a deegree Geometry to a corresponding JTS Geometry object.
static GMLGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, os)
          Writes the GML representation of the given Geometry to the given OutputStream.
static GMLGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, os, java.lang.String id)
static GMLGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, pw)
          Writes the GML representation of the given Geometry to the given PrintWriter.
static GMLGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, pw, java.lang.String id)
static java.lang.StringBuffer GMLGeometryAdapter.export(Geometry geometry, java.lang.String id)
static void GMLGeometryAdapter.exportMultiGeometry(MultiGeometry multiGeometry, pw)
          Exports the given MultiGeometry as a gml:MultiGeometry element.
static void GMLGeometryAdapter.exportMultiGeometry(MultiGeometry multiGeometry, pw, java.lang.String id)
          Exports the given MultiGeometry as a gml:MultiGeometry element.
 CurveSegment Ring.getAsCurveSegment()
 CurveSegment RingImpl.getAsCurveSegment()
          returns the Ring as one CurveSegment
 LineString LineStringImpl.getAsLineString()
          returns a reference to itself
 LineString GenericCurve.getAsLineString()
 LineString CurveImpl.getAsLineString()
          returns the curve as LineString. if there isn't a curve segment within the curve null will be returned
 CurveSegment Curve.getCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          returns the curve segment at the passed index
 CurveSegment CurveImpl.getCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          returns the curve segment at the submitted index
 CurveSegment[] Curve.getCurveSegments()
 CurveSegment[] CurveImpl.getCurveSegments()
 SurfacePatch SurfaceImpl.getSurfacePatchAt(int index)
 SurfacePatch Surface.getSurfacePatchAt(int index)
 void MultiCurveImpl.insertCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          inserts a Curve in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiCurve.insertCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          inserts a Curve in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void Aggregate.insertObjectAt(Geometry gmo, int index)
          inserts a Geometry in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 an exception will be thrown.
 void AggregateImpl.insertObjectAt(Geometry gmo, int index)
          inserts a Geometry in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmo equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiPointImpl.insertPointAt(Point gmp, int index)
          inserts a Point into the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmp equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiPoint.insertPointAt(Point point, int index)
          inserts a Point into the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or point equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiSurfaceImpl.insertSurfaceAt(Surface gms, int index)
          inserts a Surface in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiSurface.insertSurfaceAt(Surface surface, int index)
          inserts a Surface in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or surface equals null an exception will be thrown.
 Geometry GeometryImpl.intersection(Geometry that)
          The "intersection" operation shall return the set theoretic intersection of this Geometry and the passed Geometry.
 Geometry Geometry.intersection(Geometry other)
          The "intersection" operation shall return the set theoretic intersection of this Geometry and the passed Geometry.
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Curve curve1, Curve curve2)
          the operation returns true if the two submitted curves intersects
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(CurveSegment curve, SurfacePatch surface, double tolerance)
          the operation returns true if the passed curve segment intersects the submitted surface patch
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Curve curve, Surface surface)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve intersects the submitted surface
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Point point, Curve curve)
          the operations returns true if the submitted point intersects the submitted curve
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Point point, Surface surface)
          the operation returns true if the submitted point intersects the submitted surface
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(SurfacePatch surface1, SurfacePatch surface2, double tolerance)
          the operation returns true if the two passed surface patches intersects
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Surface surface1, Surface surface2)
          the operation returns true if the two passed surfaces intersects
 void Aggregate.merge(Aggregate aggregate)
          merges two aggregation.
 void MultiPrimitiveImpl.merge(Aggregate aggregate)
          merges this aggregation with another one
 void AggregateImpl.merge(Aggregate aggregate)
          merges this aggregation with another one
 Envelope EnvelopeImpl.merge(Envelope envelope)
 Envelope Envelope.merge(Envelope envelope)
          merges two Envelops and returns the minimum envelope containing both.
 Curve MultiCurveImpl.removeCurveAt(int index)
          removes the Curve at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Curve MultiCurve.removeCurveAt(int index)
          removes the Curve at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Geometry Aggregate.removeObjectAt(int index)
          removes the Geometry at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 an exception will be thrown.
 Geometry AggregateImpl.removeObjectAt(int index)
          removes the Geometry at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Point MultiPointImpl.removePointAt(int index)
          removes the Point at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Point MultiPoint.removePointAt(int index)
          removes the Point at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Surface MultiSurfaceImpl.removeSurfaceAt(int index)
          removes the Surface at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Surface MultiSurface.removeSurfaceAt(int index)
          removes the Surface at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiCurveImpl.setCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          sets the submitted Curve at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiCurve.setCurveAt(Curve curve, int index)
          sets the submitted Curve at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or curve equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void Aggregate.setObjectAt(Geometry gmo, int index)
          sets the submitted Geometry at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 an exception will be thrown.
 void AggregateImpl.setObjectAt(Geometry gmo, int index)
          sets the submitted Geometry at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmo equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void OrientablePrimitive.setOrientation(char orientation)
          sets the curves orientation
 void OrientablePrimitiveImpl.setOrientation(char orientation)
          sets the curves orientation
 void MultiPointImpl.setPointAt(Point gmp, int index)
          sets the submitted Point at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmp equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiPoint.setPointAt(Point point, int index)
          sets the submitted Point at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or point equals null an exception will be thrown.
protected  void RingImpl.setPositions(Position[][] positions)
          sets the Ring as a ArrayList of points
 void MultiSurfaceImpl.setSurfaceAt(Surface gms, int index)
          sets the submitted Surface at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiSurface.setSurfaceAt(Surface surface, int index)
          sets the submitted Surface at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or surface equals null an exception will be thrown.
static Geometry GMLGeometryAdapter.wrap(org.w3c.dom.Element gml)
          Deprecated. this method cannot provide default SRS information, please use GMLGeometryAdapter.wrap(Element,String) instead
static Geometry GMLGeometryAdapter.wrap(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given DOM element of a GML geometry and returns a corresponding deegree Geometry object.
static Geometry JTSAdapter.wrap(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
          Converts a JTS Geometry object to a corresponding deegree Geometry.
static Geometry GMLGeometryAdapter.wrap(java.lang.String gml)
          Deprecated. this method cannot provide default SRS information, please use GMLGeometryAdapter.wrap(String,String) instead
static Geometry WKTAdapter.wrap(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
static Geometry GMLGeometryAdapter.wrap(java.lang.String gml, java.lang.String srsName)
          Converts the given string representation of a GML geometry object to a corresponding deegree Geometry.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapBoxAsSurface(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns a Surface created from the given gml:Box element.
static Curve WKTAdapter.wrapCurve(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Curve from a WKT.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapCurveAsCurve(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Curve created from the passed gml:Curve element.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapLinearRing(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:LinearRing element as a Curve.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapLineString(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns a Curve instance created from the passed gml:LineString element.
static MultiCurve WKTAdapter.wrapMultiCurve(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MultiCurve from a WKT
static MultiCurve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiCurveAsMultiCurve(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:MultiCurve element as a MultiCurve.
static MultiGeometry GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiGeometry(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Creates an instance of MultiGeometry from the passed gml:MultiGeometry element.
static MultiCurve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiLineString(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns a MultiCurve instance created from the passed gml:MultiLineString element.
static MultiSurface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiPolygon(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns a MultiSurface instance created from the passed gml:MultiPolygon element.
static MultiSurface WKTAdapter.wrapMultiSurface(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MultiSurface from a WKT
static MultiSurface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiSurfaceAsMultiSurface(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:MultiSurface element as a MultiSurface.
static Point WKTAdapter.wrapPoint(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Point from a WKT.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapPolygon(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:Polygon element as a Surface.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapRing(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:Ring element as a Curve.
static Surface WKTAdapter.wrapSurface(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Surface
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapSurfaceAsSurface(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Surface created from the passed gml:Surface element.

Constructors in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that throw GeometryException
CurveImpl(char orientation, CurveSegment[] segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system, an array of curve segments and the orientation of the curve
CurveImpl(CurveSegment segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'
CurveImpl(CurveSegment[] segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'
CurveImpl(CurveSegment[] segments, CoordinateSystem crs)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'
CurveSegmentImpl(Position[] gmps, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new CurveSegmentImpl object.
LineStringImpl(Position[] gmps, CoordinateSystem cs)
          Creates a new LineStringImpl object.
OrientableCurveImpl(CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new OrientableCurveImpl object.
OrientableCurveImpl(CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Creates a new OrientableCurveImpl object.
OrientablePrimitiveImpl(CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          the constructor sets the curves orientation
OrientableSurfaceImpl(CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new OrientableSurfaceImpl object.
OrientableSurfaceImpl(CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Creates a new OrientableSurfaceImpl object.
PolygonImpl(Ring exteriorRing, Ring[] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
PolygonImpl(SurfaceInterpolation interpolation, Position[] exteriorRing, Position[][] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new PolygonImpl object.
RingImpl(CurveSegment[] segments, CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Constructor, with curve segments, CoordinateSystem and Orientation
RingImpl(Position[] points, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Constructor, with an array and CoordinateSystem
RingImpl(Position[] points, CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Constructor, with an array, CoordinateSystem and Orientation
SurfaceImpl(char orientation, SurfaceBoundary boundary)
          initializes the surface submitting the orientation and the surfaces boundary.
SurfaceImpl(char orientation, SurfacePatch surfacePatch)
          initializes the surface submitting the orientation and one surface patch.
SurfaceImpl(char orientation, SurfacePatch[] surfacePatches)
          initializes the surface submitting the orientation and one surface patch.
SurfaceImpl(SurfaceBoundary boundary)
          initializes the surface with default orientation submitting the surfaces boundary
SurfaceImpl(SurfacePatch surfacePatch)
          initializes the surface with default orientation submitting one surface patch.
SurfaceImpl(SurfacePatch[] surfacePatches)
          initializes the surface with default orientation submitting one surface patch.
SurfaceImpl(SurfacePatch[] surfacePatches, CoordinateSystem crs)
          initializes the surface with default orientation submitting one surface patch.
SurfaceInterpolationImpl(int surfaceInterpolation)
          Creates a new SurfaceInterpolationImpl object.
SurfacePatchImpl(Ring exteriorRing, Ring[] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
SurfacePatchImpl(SurfaceInterpolation interpolation, Position[] exteriorRing, Position[][] interiorRings, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new SurfacePatchImpl object.

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.ogcbase

Methods in org.deegree.ogcbase that throw GeometryException
protected static void XMLFactory.appendGeometry(org.w3c.dom.Element el, Geometry geom)
          Appends the DOM representation of the given Geometry to the given element.

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos that throw GeometryException
static org.w3c.dom.Document WFSRequestGenerator.createBBoxWFSRequest(Envelope bbox, QualifiedName featureTypeName, QualifiedName coordPropertyName)

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation that throw GeometryException
 void GmlResult.writeResult( out)

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.j3d

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.j3d that throw GeometryException
 java.lang.String ViewPoint.getFootPrintAsWellKnownText()
 java.lang.String ViewPoint.getObserverPositionAsWKT()

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.operation that throw GeometryException
 void ConeRequest.setWfsReqGeom()
 void LineRequest.setWfsReqGeom()
abstract  void RequestGeometry.setWfsReqGeom()
          sets the geometry needed for WFS request

Uses of GeometryException in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control that throw GeometryException
protected  void DigitizeListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Validate the RPC request: number of RPCParameter must be 2 or more.

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
 void CityGML2Shape.write()

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
 void ImportIndexIntoDB.perform()
          main method to perform indexing of raster tile via a spatial DB
 FeatureCollection WorldFiles2GML.perform()

Uses of GeometryException in

Methods in that throw GeometryException
 void GML2Shape_new.write()

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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