deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Surface

Uses of Surface in org.deegree.framework.util

Methods in org.deegree.framework.util that return Surface
static Surface GeometryUtils.invertOrder(Surface surface)

Methods in org.deegree.framework.util with parameters of type Surface
static Surface GeometryUtils.invertOrder(Surface surface)
static boolean GeometryUtils.isClockwise(Surface surface)

Uses of Surface in

Constructors in with parameters of type Surface
PolygonDisplayElement(Feature feature, Surface geometry)
          Creates a new PolygonDisplayElement object.
PolygonDisplayElement(Feature feature, Surface geometry, PolygonSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new PolygonDisplayElement object.

Uses of Surface in

Methods in that return Surface
 Surface MIFGeometryParser.parseRect()

Uses of Surface in

Methods in that return Surface
 Surface[] SHP2WKS.transformPolygon(CoordinateSystem crs, SHPPolygon shppolygon)
          transforms the SHPPolygon to a WKSGeometry
gets the polygon that should be transformed

Constructors in with parameters of type Surface
SHPPolygon(Surface[] surface)
          constructor: recieves an array of arrays of Points
SHPPolygon3D(Surface[] surface)

Uses of Surface in org.deegree.model.spatialschema

Classes in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that implement Surface
 class SurfaceImpl
          default implementation of the Surface interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema.

Methods in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that return Surface
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(byte[] wkb, CoordinateSystem crs, SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a Surface from a wkb.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(double[] exterior, double[][] interior, int dim, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a GM_Surface from the ordinates of the exterior ring and the the interior rings
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(Envelope bbox, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a Surface from a Envelope.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(Position[] exteriorRing, Position[][] interiorRings, SurfaceInterpolation si, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Surface composed of one SurfacePatch from array(s) of Position
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(SurfacePatch patch)
          creates a Surface from an array of SurfacePatch.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(SurfacePatch[] patches)
          creates a Surface from an array of SurfacePatch.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurface(SurfacePatch[] patches, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Surface from an array of SurfacePatch.
static Surface GeometryFactory.createSurfaceAsEllipse(double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY, int nSeg, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a surface in form of an ellipse.
 Surface[] MultiSurfaceImpl.getAllSurfaces()
          returns all Surfaces as array
 Surface[] MultiSurface.getAllSurfaces()
          returns all Surfaces as an array
 Surface MultiSurfaceImpl.getSurfaceAt(int index)
          returns the Surface at the submitted index.
 Surface MultiSurface.getSurfaceAt(int index)
          returns the Surface at the submitted index.
 Surface MultiSurfaceImpl.removeSurface(Surface gms)
          removes the submitted Surface from the aggregation
 Surface MultiSurface.removeSurface(Surface surface)
          removes the submitted Surface from the aggregation
 Surface MultiSurfaceImpl.removeSurfaceAt(int index)
          removes the Surface at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
 Surface MultiSurface.removeSurfaceAt(int index)
          removes the Surface at the submitted index from the aggregation. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapBoxAsSurface(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns a Surface created from the given gml:Box element.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapPolygon(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:Polygon element as a Surface.
static Surface WKTAdapter.wrapSurface(java.lang.String wkt, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a Surface
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapSurfaceAsSurface(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Surface created from the passed gml:Surface element.

Methods in org.deegree.model.spatialschema with parameters of type Surface
 void MultiSurfaceImpl.addSurface(Surface gms)
          adds an Surface to the aggregation
 void MultiSurface.addSurface(Surface surface)
          adds an Surface to the aggregation
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Surface surface, Curve curve)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve contains the submitted surface
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Surface surface, Point point)
          the operation returns true if the submitted point contains the submitted surface
static boolean LinearContains.contains(Surface surface2, Surface surface1)
          the operation returns true if the two submitted surfaces contains
static MultiSurface GeometryFactory.createMultiSurface(Surface[] surfaces)
          creates a MultiSurface from an array of surfaces
static MultiSurface GeometryFactory.createMultiSurface(Surface[] surfaces, CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MultiSurface from an array of surfaces
 void MultiSurfaceImpl.insertSurfaceAt(Surface gms, int index)
          inserts a Surface in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiSurface.insertSurfaceAt(Surface surface, int index)
          inserts a Surface in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or surface equals null an exception will be thrown.
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Curve curve, Surface surface)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve intersects the submitted surface
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Point point, Surface surface)
          the operation returns true if the submitted point intersects the submitted surface
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(Surface surface1, Surface surface2)
          the operation returns true if the two passed surfaces intersects
 Surface MultiSurfaceImpl.removeSurface(Surface gms)
          removes the submitted Surface from the aggregation
 Surface MultiSurface.removeSurface(Surface surface)
          removes the submitted Surface from the aggregation
 void MultiSurfaceImpl.setSurfaceAt(Surface gms, int index)
          sets the submitted Surface at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void MultiSurface.setSurfaceAt(Surface surface, int index)
          sets the submitted Surface at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or surface equals null an exception will be thrown.

Constructors in org.deegree.model.spatialschema with parameters of type Surface
MultiSurfaceImpl(Surface[] surface)
          Creates a new MultiSurfaceImpl object.
MultiSurfaceImpl(Surface[] surface, CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new MultiSurfaceImpl object.

Uses of Surface in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage that return Surface
 Surface[] SpatialDomain.getSurface()

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage with parameters of type Surface
 void SpatialDomain.setSurface(Surface[] surface)

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage with parameters of type Surface
SpatialDomain(Envelope[] envelops, Surface[] surface)
SpatialDomain(Envelope[] envelops, Surface[] surface, java.lang.Object[] grid)

Uses of Surface in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.configuration that return Surface
 Surface AbstractDataSource.getValidArea()

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.configuration with parameters of type Surface
AbstractDataSource(int serviceType, QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, java.lang.Object filterCondition)
          TODO pre-conditions.
LocalWCSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, GetCoverage filterCondition, java.awt.Color[] transparentColors)
          Creates a new LocalWCSDataSource object from the given parameters.
LocalWFSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, PropertyPath geomProperty, Filter filterCondition, int maxFeatures)
          Creates a new LocalWFSDataSource object from the given parameters.
LocalWMSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, GetMap filterCondition, java.awt.Color[] transparentColors)
          Creates a new LocalWMSDataSource object from the given parameters.
RemoteWCSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, GetCoverage filterCondition, java.awt.Color[] transparentColors)
          Creates a new RemoteWCSDataSource object from the given parameters.
RemoteWFSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, PropertyPath geometryProperty, Filter filterCondition, int maxFeatures)
          Creates a new RemoteWFSDataSource object from the given parameters.
RemoteWMSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, GetMap filterCondition, java.awt.Color[] transparentColors)
          Creates a new RemoteWMSDataSource object from the given parameters.

Uses of Surface in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.j3d

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.j3d that return Surface
 Surface ViewPoint.getVisibleArea()

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.j3d with parameters of type Surface
protected  void DefaultSurface.extractSurface(Surface surface, java.util.List<javax.vecmath.Point3d> coordinates, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> contourCount)
          Extract the actual coordinates of a surface and puts them with in the given list.
 com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.GeometryInfo DefaultSurface.getGeometryInfo(Surface surface)
          Creates a geometry info of the given surface.

Uses of Surface in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.utils

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.utils that return Surface
 Surface ResolutionStripe.getSurface()

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.utils with parameters of type Surface
ResolutionStripe(Surface surface, double maximumResolution, double minimumResolution, double minimalHeight, double scale)
ResolutionStripe(Surface surface, double maximumResolution, double minimumResolution, double minimalHeight, java.lang.String outputFormat, double scale)

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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