deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Filter   

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter FeatureTypeConstraint.getFilter()
          returns a feature-filter as defined in WFS specifications.
 Filter Rule.getFilter()
          The Filter element has a relatively straightforward meaning.

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
static Rule StyleFactory.createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, LegendGraphic legendGraphic, Filter filter, boolean elseFilter, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a complex styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
 void FeatureTypeConstraint.setFilter(Filter filter)
          sets a feature-filter as defined in WFS specifications.
 void Rule.setFilter(Filter filter)
          sets the

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
FeatureTypeConstraint(QualifiedName featureTypeName, Filter filter, Extent[] extents)
          constructor initializing the class with the
Rule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, LegendGraphic legendGraphic, Filter filter, boolean elseFilter, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          constructor initializing the class with the Rule

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 int DatastoreTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs a replace-update operation against the datastore.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Uses of Filter in

Fields in declared as Filter
protected  Filter SDEWhereBuilder.filter
          The filter to apply

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter SDEWhereBuilder.getFilter()

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureId[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
 SDEWhereBuilder SDEDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for SDE.
(package private)  int SDEDeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int SDETransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int SDETransaction.performReplace(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs a replace operation against the datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.
 int SDEUpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> properties, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
SDEWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Creates a new instance of SDEWhereBuilder for the given parameters.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedAndModifiableFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter and that are either not locked or locked by the specified lockId.
 java.util.List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
 WhereBuilder AbstractSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Overwrite this to return a database specific (spatial capable) WhereBuilder implementation.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
VirtualContentProvider(Filter filter, AbstractSQLDatastore ds, java.sql.Connection conn)
          Creates a new instance of VirtualContentProvider.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 WhereBuilder GenericSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
GenericSQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider, JDBCConnection jdbc)
          Creates a new instance of GenericSQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 MySQLWhereBuilder MySQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for MySQL.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
MySQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of MySQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 WhereBuilder OracleDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for Oracle Spatial.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
OracleSpatialWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of OracleSpatialWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 PostGISWhereBuilder PostGISDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for PostGIS.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
PostGISWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of PostGISWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 int SQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation (replace-style) against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs a update (replace-style) operation against the datastore.
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, java.lang.String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 int DeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Deletes the features from the Datastore that have a certain type and are matched by the given filter.

Uses of Filter in

Fields in declared as Filter
protected  Filter WhereBuilder.filter
          Filter for which the corresponding WHERE-clause will be generated.

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter WhereBuilder.getFilter()
          Returns the associated Filter instance.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
WhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, java.lang.String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new WhereBuilder instance.

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.model.filterencoding

Classes in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that implement Filter
 class AbstractFilter
          Abstract superclass representing Filter elements (as defined in the Filter DTD).
 class ComplexFilter
          Encapsulates the information of a element that contains an Operation (only) (as defined in the Filter DTD).
 class FalseFilter
          A Filter that always evaluates to false.
 class FeatureFilter
          Encapsulates the information of a element that consists of a number of FeatureId constraints (only) (as defined in the FeatureId DTD).

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that return Filter
static Filter AbstractFilter.buildFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Deprecated. use the 1.0.0 filter encoding aware method instead.
static Filter AbstractFilter.buildFromDOM(org.w3c.dom.Element element, boolean useVersion_1_0_0)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Filter-object is built.

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with parameters of type Filter
static void XMLFactory.appendFilter(org.w3c.dom.Element root, Filter filter)
          Appends the DOM representation of the given Filter- section to the passed Element.
static java.util.List<PropertyPath> FilterTools.extractPropertyPaths(Filter filter)
          returns all PropertyPath definitions from the passed Filter

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.discovery

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.discovery that return Filter
 Filter Query.getContraint()
          Zero or one (Optional); Default action is to execute an unconstrained query

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.discovery with parameters of type Filter
Query(java.lang.String elementSetName, java.util.List<QualifiedName> elementSetNameTypeNames, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,QualifiedName> elementSetNameVariables, java.util.List<PropertyPath> elementNames, Filter constraint, SortProperty[] sortProperties, java.util.List<QualifiedName> typeNames, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,QualifiedName> typeNameVariables)
Query(java.lang.String elementSetName, java.lang.String[] elementNames, Filter constraint, SortProperty[] sortProperties, java.lang.String[] typeNames)
          Creates a new Query instance.

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager that return Filter
 Filter Update.getConstraint()
          The number of records affected by an update action is determined by the contents of the constraint.
 Filter Delete.getConstraint()
          The number of records affected by a delete action is determined by the contents of the constraint.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager with parameters of type Filter
 void Update.setConstraint(Filter constraint)
          sets the constraint to be considered with an Update operation
 void Delete.setConstraint(Filter constraint)
          sets the constraint to be considered with a Delete operation

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager with parameters of type Filter
Delete(java.lang.String handle, typeName, Filter constraint)
Update(java.lang.String handle, typeName, Filter constraint, org.w3c.dom.Element record, java.util.List<FeatureProperty> recordProperties)

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos.configuration that return Filter
 Filter MeasurementConfiguration.getConstraint()

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos.configuration with parameters of type Filter
MeasurementConfiguration(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String sourceServerId, java.lang.String phenomenon, QualifiedName featureTypeName, Filter constraint, QualifiedName timePropertyName, QualifiedName measurandPropertyName, java.lang.String timeResolution, java.lang.String timeResolutionType, XSLTScriptSource)

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation that return Filter
protected static Filter AbstractWFSRequest.extractBBOXFilter(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> model)
          Extracts a Filter from the BBOX parameter.
 Filter Lock.getFilter()
          Returns the filter that is used to select the Feature instances for locking.
 Filter Query.getFilter()
          Returns the filter that limits the query.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation that return types with arguments of type Filter
protected static java.util.Map<QualifiedName,Filter> AbstractWFSRequest.extractFilters(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> kvp, QualifiedName[] typeNames)
          Extracts the FILTER parameter and assigns them to the requested type names.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation with parameters of type Filter
static Query Query.create(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, java.lang.String handle, java.lang.String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, java.lang.String[] aliases, java.lang.String srsName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType)
          Creates a new Query instance.
static Query Query.create(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, java.lang.String handle, java.lang.String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, java.lang.String srsName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType)
          Deprecated. use create(PropertyPath[], Function[], SortProperty[], String, String, QualifiedName[], String[], String, Filter, int, int, RESULT_TYPE) instead
static Query Query.create(QualifiedName typeName, Filter filter)
          Creates a new simple Query instance that selects the whole feature type.
(package private) static void GetFeatureDocument.isBoundingBoxValid(java.lang.String srsName, Filter filter)

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation with parameters of type Filter
GetFeatureDocument.BBoxTest(java.lang.String srsName, Filter filter)
Lock(java.lang.String handle, QualifiedName typeName, Filter filter)
          Creates a new Lock instance from the given parameters.
Query(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, java.lang.String handle, java.lang.String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, java.lang.String[] aliases, java.lang.String srsName, Filter filter, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, int maxFeatures, int startPosition)
          Creates a new Query instance.
Query(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, java.lang.String handle, java.lang.String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, java.lang.String[] aliases, java.lang.String srsName, Filter filter, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, GetFeatureDocument.BBoxTest test)

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction that return Filter
 Filter Update.getFilter()
          Returns the filter that selects the feature instances to be updated.
 Filter Delete.getFilter()
          Return Filter.
 Filter Replace.getFilter()
          Returns the filter that selects the feature instances to be replaced.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction with parameters of type Filter
 void Update.setFilter(Filter filter)
          Sets the filter that determines the features that are affected by the operation.
 void Delete.setFilter(Filter filter)
          sets the filter condition for an delete operation.
 void Replace.setFilter(Filter filter)
          Sets the filter that determines the features that are affected by the operation.

Method parameters in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction with type arguments of type Filter
protected static java.util.List<Delete> Delete.create(java.util.Map<QualifiedName,Filter> typeFilter)
          Creates Delete instances from a KVP request.

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction with parameters of type Filter
Delete(java.lang.String handle, QualifiedName typeName, Filter filter)
          Creates a new Delete instance.
Replace(java.lang.String handle, QualifiedName typeName, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter)
          Creates a new Replace instance.
Update(java.lang.String handle, QualifiedName typeName, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter)
          Creates a new Update instance.
Update(java.lang.String handle, QualifiedName typeName, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter)
          Creates a new Update instance.
Update(java.lang.String handle, QualifiedName typeName, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, java.util.Map<PropertyPath,org.w3c.dom.Node> rawProps, Filter filter)
          Deprecated. This method breaks the layering -- it makes the DOM representation available.

Uses of Filter in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.configuration that return Filter
 Filter LocalWFSDataSource.getFilter()

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.configuration with parameters of type Filter
LocalWFSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, PropertyPath geomProperty, Filter filterCondition, int maxFeatures)
          Creates a new LocalWFSDataSource object from the given parameters.
RemoteWFSDataSource(QualifiedName name, OWSCapabilities owsCapabilities, Surface validArea, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, PropertyPath geometryProperty, Filter filterCondition, int maxFeatures)
          Creates a new RemoteWFSDataSource object from the given parameters.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter Right.getConstraints()
          Returns the restrictions (the parameters) of this Right.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
Right(SecurableObject object, RightType type, Filter constraints)
          Creates a new Right -instance.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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